How to climb mountains?

in #travel9 years ago (edited)

One mountain
Two ways

Conquering Mount Cheget in the northern Caucasus, the height of 3700-3100 m.

The first ascent was on their own and work - the best ascent. Only one way up took about 3 hours of continuous climbing. The trail swirled underfoot, changing from green to stones and mud and snow. Top poured rain, the wind blew. A trail all the way up so up constantly, constantly. My faithful companions on the road were - heaviness in the body, lightheadedness and breathtaking horizons. Difficulty climbing, wet feet, insecure areas.

The second "ascent" has appeared on the cable car. I came, ate, got up and went. I'm on top.

Hmmm .... Something is definitely not!

Mountain must feel! His work, in the home ....

Bother, tea becomes tastier, prettier species, legs stronger, clearer head, feeling cleaner life easier.

The history of my best friend traveler
Anima Aryliya