Some Precautions To Stay Safe While Traveling By a Public Transport

in #travel7 years ago

Whether you living in a town or suburbs or even a rural area, there are many times when you use public transport to travel. In urban areas, many people follow a daily ritual of hopping on a bus, catching a taxi or cab and boarding a train.
When all of these activities becomes a daily routine, then we have a tendency to get comfortable. And after that, We may forget all about the importance of personal safety or push it to the back of our mind. After all, you do this every day and nothing bad has happened yet. So don’t be bothered now. Well, all of this happens in a few seconds and an unforeseen danger will change the rest of your life!

In below some safety measures are mentioned you should always follow while you traveling in a public transport.

have a safe journey.jpeg
Source: Google

  1. When you travel by cab or taxi and the driver makes you feel uncomfortable then you should select another taxi or cab.

  2. Whenever you leave your bus or taxi, then you don't walk home alone in the dark it may be risky.

  3. Thieves are not so much likely to strike in well-lit areas then you make sure that you catch your bus or train to a proper spot. This could mean to use a proper station or bus stop further away so make your route carefully.

  4. Always Stay alert and be aware of the people around you. Change the seats, if someone bothers you.

  5. While you boarding a bus, train or any public transport you don't open your purse or wallet. Instead, keep the fare amount/pass ready in hand.

  6. If you do not want your address of home known, then simply get the cab to stop a few houses away from your destination.

  7. Before you get seated, firstly look around for the emergency buttons and exits. In a panic situation, you will know where to go quickly.

  8. You always not to speak out your address in public places. And it also if you answer your mobile phone on a train or bus you may simply answer "hello" rather than giving away your name.

  9. It has to be seen that most criminals are cowards so if you are attacked making as much noise as possible could scare off the perpetrator.

  10. In the night if you are traveling late, then it is more important to know the time of the last bus or train so that you do not become stranded and vulnerable to attack.

  11. Avoid the isolated stops of buses. And always be aware of the schedule of the bus.

  12. If someone knows your routine or schedule of travel. then you do not contact them when expected, they will have an idea where to start looking for you.

  13. Always stay alert to your surroundings and limit your conversation to general topics.