The Silk Road Diaries: Pamir Highway, Part I

in #travel7 years ago

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Welcome to the Silk Road diaries... the place where I am finally recording my stories and reflections from an overland trip from the UK to Mongolia back in 2011. It's taken me a long time to process how truly life-changing this journey was, but finally my adventures feel ripe and ready to share. Follow this link for an intro to this series, including more about my vehicle and the charity project I was a part of - the Mongol Rally. Or, carry on reading for the first installment!

The Pamir Highway: Part I

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We left Dushanbe early, driving out of town with the windows rolled down smelling the quiet chill air. I love those moments before the world wakes up, when you can hear the earth breathing. The van's radiator was stuck 'on', a feature that had almost fried our brains (literally) back in the 50 degree heat of the Turkmenistan desert*, but in moments like this I was glad of it.

*Actually, I lie. In Turkmenistan it was so hot the air churning out of the van's radiator was relatively cool. In heat like that you don't sweat because it evaporates so quickly; instead you get salt circles on your clothes - the ghosts of sweat that never reached its full potential.


We'd finally entered Tajikistan at Panjkent, having faffed around for a day trying different border crossings that turned out to be shut, accidentally straying into the contested Fergana Region of Uzbekistan (where we were promptly turned around by a man with a machine gun), getting a flat tyre in a military zone with yet more guns pointed at us, and finally having to stay overnight in no-mans-land at the Panjkent crossing because we arrived just before 5pm and the guard couldn't be bothered to do the paperwork before he went home. [and inhale].

Smooth it had not been. But we were in Tajikistan and we were heading for the M41, the infamous Pamir Highway. This is the only continuous road that traverses the inhospitable Pamir Mountains that jut through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Krygyzstan in Central Asia. Part of the Silk Route, this road has been used for millennia; however despite being a main artery through the region, the road is largely unpaved. It meanders stubbornly across rivers, through deserts, and up, down and through steep mountains used by shepherds and trucks alike.


Before leaving the UK we had thought long and hard about whether or not to risk this route. At the time, if you Googled 'driving Pamir Highway' it would bring up a selection of videos of brave (or simply stuck) travellers halted by waterfalls or rivers that had suddenly washed the road out of existence; or rock-falls that made continuing impossible. We weren't in a position to get stuck - the nature of the rally meant we had a small emergency buffer in our visa dates, but we couldn't afford any major setbacks that would invalidate all our ongoing visas. And perhaps more importantly, we didn't want to get squished in a rock-fall or washed away in a raging torrent, in a region where it would take anyone a long time to find us.


In the end though, our sense of adventure won out. If we were going to do this epic overland trip, we were going to fully commit to the experience. So here we were, at dawn with the windows rolled down, heading to Kulyab - the place where we knew the road worsened, the point when - from then on - we were on our own.

Kulyab to Khorog

If I close my eyes and take myself back to that road between Kulyab and Khorog, the first image I see is the river, below me to the right. Sometimes still, reflecting the clear blue sky; sometimes churning and brown. The dusty road snakes along the edge of this river, following perfectly the footprint of the mountains where they meet the earth. On the other side of the river lies Afghanistan, a country I have always wanted to visit. The landscape here is harsh and sun-bleached - the road and river sandwiched between mountains, the sun casting a bright white light and dark shadows, dust everywhere.


And yet on the Afghan side of the river were gardens. They looked lush and green, neat and lovingly tended. There were trees. There were complex networks of pathways cut into the mountainside, and the occasional donkey or human treading carefully along them. Ever pulled to the exotic, I daydreamed about the lives of those people on the other side of the river. When I waved they often waved back; what a sight we must have been, a beat-up high-vis British ambulance, waving at them from across the water.


My next memory is the driving itself. As the main road through this region, the vehicles we met were mostly large trucks carrying supplies. This didn't happen too often - it was, after all, a single-track dirt road threading through harsh terrain. But when it did happen it was tricky. Sometimes when we met a vehicle on this road, there was just nowhere to go: steep mountain wall to the left, steep bank down to churning river on the right, increasingly annoyed truck driver in front. Now I should probably explain that, prior to this trip, I had only ever driven small - like, the smallest - hatchback cars. And that even for an experienced driver, reversing a long-wheelbase van with no back windows along a twisting dirt road with mountain walls on one side and watery peril on the other is not an easy thing. So for me this was definitely one of the more challenging parts of the experience. Suffice to say, my driving skills improved a lot on this particular road.


In general, we'd been using our Mercedes Sprinter 312D ambulance as both a vehicle and a home. We had strapped the two stretchers in the back together to make a double bed, and we were fairly self-sufficient with large water containers, food supplies, and a basic cooker. What we hadn't really anticipated on this stretch of road was the total lack of stopping places; the road literally clung to the bottom of the mountain, and there was simply no other space available to stop.

The first day of driving this route, we remained resolute that a perfect little stopping place would appear in the distance. A place we'd be able to rest and recharge before starting again tomorrow. In late afternoon however, we started to come across some pretty disturbing signage:


… we were in land mine country.

The Pamir Highway traverses the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region. This region was 'created' in 1925, and has remained a highly contested zone ever since. It's seen the forcible relocation of native Pamiris to other parts of the country; it's seen a civil war during which it was declared as independent, and most recently in 2012 (just months after we passed through) it witnessed a series of clashes between the Tajik military and the militants of a former warlord. If we'd had any of this information prior to our trip (that's correct, we had done very little research) then perhaps we wouldn't have been surprised by the land mines.

As it was though we were pretty freaked out.

Our plan to stay in the van overnight went out the window, for fear that we'd park on top of a mine or blow ourselves up when we went to pee in the night. So we pressed on until darkness was creeping in, and finally found the Tajik equivalent of a truck stop hidden away.


The air seemed suddenly fresh and clean when I got out of the van, after days of dust and sweat mingling on my skin. I'd been so focused on the road - literally, trying to stay on it and trying not to crash into anything else on it - I hadn't noticed the altitude climb. We'd gone from 800m to 1500m, and up here it was easier to breathe.

The stopping place felt extremely calm and restful after the road. There were trees, and a natural stream had been redirected into a stone channel that ran through the space. A handful of older men hunched over a table playing a game - perhaps something akin to chess. The occasional shack huddled around the edges. I felt suddenly aware of my lack of understanding of the local ways and Tajik etiquette. I desperately wanted to learn some of the local languages, but we were passing through countries so quickly it was impossible.

That night I slept deeply and woke feeling somehow cleaner. For me there is something deeply comforting about being 'on the road'. People look out for each other there. The road is its own little world, with comings and goings, moments of stress and moments of beauty. I tried to take a mental snapshot of each weathered face I saw on this road - they were faces of hard working people, people who lived under the sun, people who - like it or not - were always on the move. People for whom land mines were a fact of life.

All photos in this post were taken with a Canon EOS 350D

Thanks for reading!
I'm Alice: lover of nature, photography, art, singing and spirituality. In 2011 I drove from the UK to Mongolia, and I've chosen Steemit as the platform to share my stories.
Follow me for more Silk Road diaries!




Of course, at my human master's request I have re-steemed this on the @steemsearch blog. @markangeltrueman loved this story, beautifully written, fraught with danger. What more could you want from a travel story? Brilliant work, look forward to seeing the rest.


This post was upvoted by curie and it's trail as a result of a submission to the guild by @markangeltrueman. Curie is a curation guild which finds and upvotes high-quality posts by new and undiscovered members of the Steem community. View the blog at @curie

Wonderful, thank you so much :D

This is such a thrilling tale! I can't wait to read more now. Wow. I did anticipate the land mines. I suppose that is the whole point of a land mine, that you don't anticipate it until it is too late. I love your writing style, you are hilarious.

This post was nominated by a @curie curator to be featured in an upcoming Author Showcase post on the @curie blog. If you agree to be featured in this way, please reply and:

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You can check out the previous week's Author Showcase to get an idea of what we are doing with these posts.

Cheers - Carl (@curie curator)

I feel like this post deserves 3 times as much as its getting.. This is a best seller. This is magic, real life adventure and danger and beautiful , beautiful writing. I feel blessed to be reading this when I know that I should be on some waiting list.

Aw wow @limabeing, thank you so so much for these kind words :D I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it!

wow. what an awesome sunday morning read! Its so cool that you're sharing this story alice.....It definitely feels like a tale that demands to be told. Your writing is lovely as well :) I look forward to the next episode! x and LANDMINES!? I would have been terrified!

Thanks so much Bas! It's taken me so long XD

looks like its getting the attention it deserves!!! :D

I enjoyed reading

Great, I'm so glad :D

If we'd had any of this information prior to our trip . . . then perhaps we wouldn't have been surprised by the land mines.

You trooper, you! I'd never have SET OFF on this trip, if I had known. That sign makes no bones about what mines do to you, does it!?

Your epic/heroic experience is exactly what I've been looking for on Steemit!
I shall be following every part with bated breath.
People really go there? Yes, they do. And people really live there. That road makes for the most optimistic bridge weaving around all those machine guns.

Ahhh thank you so much for your supportive comments :D It's taken a long time to share this stuff so it means a lot to know it's being appreciated! It took me stupidly long to write that post, but I'll try my best to keep up a steady pace... hopefully weekly x

Take as much time as you need! I know how much (ridiculous) time goes into such heart-felt posts. I'll be keeping an eye out for as long as it takes (until I need to be off again by the end of May...). Enjoy the post-processing.

YES! What an amazing post! I'm new to Steemsugars and I stumbled upon you there...

I LOVE sharing in stories of epic and out of the box adventures, especially those undertake by Lady Adventurers! And when these same Lady Adventurers are Solo-trekkers. . . .

Well let's just say I've upvoted and followed and I'm watching for the rest of what you share with bated breath!

2011 was a year full of solo Lady Adventure for me too..... Must have been written in the stars.

<3 <3 <3

Ahh awesome, thank you so much @stirling! I must say though, I actually wasn't a solo trekker on this one.. I did the trip with my ex-partner, but since we've parted ways I've chosen not to include images of him etc to protect his privacy :)

I'd love to hear about your solo adventures!

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Wow, this is an incredible post! What an incredible journey to share--the photos are stunning--and its a place I feel like I don’t get to see often enough in these types of posts. I am really looking forward to the whole series!!!

Thank you so much @lilyraabe, I'm really pleased you liked it :D

I really loved reading this. I can totally relate to you when you say “in the end though, our sense of adventure won out”. I’ve been through crazy moments that were only possible because of the urge for adventures.

Thanks for not only sharing this great story but also being daring enough to make it happen! I’ve been settled in on our homestead but this makes my feet itchy for the road. Glad you made it through alive!

Thank you! Yes it was one of those "are we really going to drive halfway round the world and NOT do this bit?!" moments :D

I definitely have a fairly extreme sense of adventure when it comes to traveling to remote places, but in everyday life I'm realising I'm a pretty sensible (even cautious?!) person, and actually my current life is heading much more towards homesteading.. those itchy feet though, it doesn't take much to get them tingling! Thank you for reading

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Beautiful scenery. I hope to travel one day.

Yes it was very dramatic. I hope you do too - go for it :)

Afghanistan is on my list, and has been for some time, although I'm afraid that post-Taliban post-American Afghanistan is tragically different in many places than the Afghanistan of old.

This post brought back memories of traveling, and reminders of how so much of the world is so similar and so different at the same time. Thanks for adding that global texture back into my morning.

You are so welcome @juanersatzman, I am so grateful to have that perspective myself. Also that the world is so small, and yet so huge and never-ending.

I agree about Afghanistan, and I suppose a similar degradation of culture must have happened / be happening in very many countries still; but one of my biggest lessons on this trip was that the people often make a place, and the people in these regions continue to be so deeply hospitable and warm, through all manner of hardships.

Good thought, and that's true in my experience as well. People are often very welcoming, even when they don't have many externally-apparent reasons to be.

That said, I have a colleague who spent months in Kabul in the 1960s, and it's sad to think that the intervening decades of war have changed the country and the city irrevocably.

Absolutely :'(