Adsactly Travel - Within the Spiritual City of Art

in #travel6 years ago

Within the Spiritual City of Art

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Chiang Rai is the most northern major city in Thailand. It's filled with a rich history of the Lanna Kingdom and a mixed culture between the Lanna Kingdom, modern Thailand & the ancient Burmese Empire. I first traveled through here in my mid 20's and fell in love with the pace of life and natural surroundings. The local people were full of kindness and their smiles seemed genuine in everything they did. Northern Thailand is notorious for generosity and Chiang Rai is a huge part of that positive part of their culture.

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Every year we take our aunties & uncles on a family trip to Northern Thailand and the main cities we visit are usually the same. The camping trips always consist of a lot of mountains, waterfalls, lakes, and cities like Chiang Mai & Chiang Rai. Chiang Rai is notably one of my favorites because of the legendary artists that are from there and have contributed to the city's artistic culture and visual appeal. An example is The Golden Clock Tower of Chiang Rai. A timeless piece of art for generations to admire. Two legendary artists who've created the mystique of the Thai fine arts are Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat & Professor Thawan Duchanee.

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These two legendary artists were surrounded by a mystique rival as if it were wizardry of the arts, up until Professor Thawan Duchanee's passing September 3rd, 2014. One is said to draw his artistic forces from the light & the other rose to legendary status drawing artistic powers of the dark forces. Hearing my uncles and aunties speak about it this way was why we all started going to both of the professors' land, where they drew their powers from. Their homeland is known as Chiang Rai.

Wat Rong Khun also known as The White Temple

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Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat bought Wat Rong Khun in 1997. Since, he has used it as his ultimate artistic creation along with his way of aiding his spiritual growth in a remarkable way. He's used his artistic creations to independently fund all of Wat Rong Khun's activities and has single-handedly created a tourism market for the immediate rural community. The very same community that he grew up as a child with dreams of painting for the king of Thailand.

I grew up in an age where we collected comic books and sports cards so collecting cool stuff is a personal hobby of mine. Wat Rong Khun sells replicas of Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat paintings with his actual signature so naturally, the collector in me loves to buy different replicas with each visit. I buy them for both our home & as gifts for friends. I collect his replicas because the prices for his original paintings are meant for true art collectors.

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I'm just a fan of a man that can create visual magic out of thin air & has the sculptor skills to match.

The parking lot is in the back of the temple so most people come in passing a peaceful piece of naturalistic expression of art. There's a reenactment in the temple's rear garden of Buddha meditating under a bodhi tree.

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It's a garden that you can meditate in and usually find people there who are.

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I'm always impressed by the temple's bell on the same side as the garden before you reach the museum and the temple's infamous main hall.

The museum has most of Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat's artwork & paintings. He's infamous for depicting Buddha & Hindu Gods in priceless sculptures. His sculptures & famous paintings focus on his strengths, which is abstract art & his pieces of Hindu Gods such as Ganesha.

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Just Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat's 1st Ganesha amulet on the public market can currently sell up to 3,000 SBD, individually. His priceless sculpture pieces of Buddha are considered world class and has been featured in TIME magazine in 2009.

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Every year my family and I get to admire an artist who the locals in Chiang Rai say used the forces of the light to paint his way into owning a temple. For me, that's an admirable accomplishment and am grateful for every year I get to witness Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat artistic greatness.

Within the artistic shadows of Baan Dam Museum

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We were fully rested and were energized from a great dinner the night before. It was time to hit the Baan Dam museum. This is one of my favorite museums in Asia because every time I visit, the artistic expressions strikes a nerve with me. When we say dark forces, we mainly mean the artistic expression of dark colors and negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and rage. We're not referring to dark forces in Hollywood horror films but diabolical forces yes. The Baan Dam Museum grounds is where Professor Thawan Duchanee spent 25 years with the aid of his students, creating his legendary artistic expressions. A legacy I love to admire and one that TIME magazine associated with the term "diabolical."

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The very first room of the Baan Dam Museum is a room of shadowy designs that look like they belong in another time, even another dimension. They remind me of what I would feel like if this land was still full of savages in the style of Conan, complete with magic spells from sorcerers. The artist designs and collections are always amazing to me & year after year, they strike similar emotions. I always wondered if Professor Thawan Duchanee has this type of design in his actual home because, in this main building, he liked using wooden furniture that looks like they can still be used today.

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The entire museum grounds is huge and is made up of 40 huts that all have artistic expressions in the form of interior design influenced by the dark forces.

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Dam in Thai means black and Baan means house so the translation is literally "black house," in terms of the dark diabolical forces used for inspiration.

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Some rooms depict a certain perspective of what we visualize as hell from films, while other rooms portray what having power in these realms may be like.

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These rooms portray a dark lavish & pleasurable adult lifestyle which artistically, is ingenious to me.

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Professor Thawan Duchanee's original paintings can be seen on display near the front entrance. These timeless pieces of art, show the level of artistic intelligence he was collaborating with, simply by the emotions they strike. This time I was blown away by the paintings because I normally don't get the opportunity after seeing the museum grounds. I now always make time for the paintings after that first day in awe.

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When I get to see Professor Thawan Duchanee's work, it makes me feel proud to be alive, enjoying that very moment of awe of artistry.

The Artistic Legacy of Chiang Rai

When people bring up art in Chiang Rai, I always joke and ask, "What's in the water out there?" Referring to Chiang Rai is the city that bore 2 legendary contemporary artists on an international scale. I love visiting here every year. I love seeing the art and the influence these iconic artists had & continue to have in their culture and in their communities. I hope to be lucky enough to see many more years of this city and these 2 places of artistic mastery. Afterall, even without the art, the Northern Thai people's generosity alone makes me want to settle down here. I love Chiang Rai.

Authored by @stewsak

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I really enjoyed reading this. I am a fan of historical stuffs like events and cultures and most specially arts. Thank you so much @adsactly and @stewsak for bringing us at Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. I was so amazed by their arts. It is really cool and my eyes are turning into a star just by looking the pictures. My heart is pounding and wanting to touch them. I could imagine myself their and just be WOWed with their jaw dropping arts. I know that making those cool arts are not easy in their times because no especialize tools and materials that they can use, they make it by what means they have. They are really the true artist. Just by looking at their works, it's really amazing how they project the very keen details of each sculptures and paintings. I really do wish I could visit that place one day. And I really hope so that many generations of Thailand will be able to see the works of their ancestors and be proud that they are born in their country. This is really a great opportunity you gave us @stewsak, for you brought our imagines their. Thank you.

Super happy that you like it. These 2 artists were geniuses at what they accomplished and I was blown away by their creativity. Truly inspiring when you get to hang out in both of these artists' main gallery rooms. They literally bring you into their realms. Wow! I super appreciate you coming by and hope you have an unforgettable week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Yes. These 2 artists are geniuses and so gifted in arts. Their artwork are mindblowing, very brilliant and for me they are perfect, priceless and timeless. Their arts are still so relevant until to this days.

I'm an even bigger fan of historicals ...

You could imagime yourself sometimes as the samurai running through the city playing hero with your flaming katana .

Nice job for this post. Id be resteeming so i have access to this always.

First of all it is worth noting that your photos are very beautiful. They reflect all the greatness and atmosphere of the places in which you were. I like Thai culture.

The white temple is worthy of admiration. This is the most unusual temple that I have ever seen. Its main virtue is its color. It looks critically white and for any person it becomes obvious why it has such a name. This is the most not ordinary and not traditional Buddhist temple. I read about it that:

It is made of white material, which symbolizes the purity of the Buddha and from the mirror inserts that symbolize the wisdom of the Buddha.

Separately, I would like to say about the bridge. I (read separately) I think that the bridge to this temple is beautiful and creepy. It symbolizes that the entrance to paradise (temple) passes from the ordinary worldly life through Hell on the bridge. Thousands of hands of sinners stretch from Hell. Impressive.
I also liked the pictures of the professorThawan Duchanee. These are original and intellectual works.

Good post, thanks!

Yes, the bridge is quite a journey itself, art-wise. There's a pit at the beginning where you see hands reaching your direction which tells you right away, this bridge is a link to somewhere. When you get across the bridge into the main hall that houses the temple's main Buddha statue, it's sitting on a creative gold flower. What looks to me like a flower. The murals inside the main hall are much different from other temples because it includes pop culture, which the professor has gotten some criticism over. All and all, both of these artists had me in awe. Superb artistic talents and so honored to have been able to see their work. Super appreciate you coming by and have a wonderful week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Was this real? This is an amazing place where art lives. Where all you could see is a living spirit of art. Professor Chalermchai Kositpipat & Professor Thawan Duchanee should belong to the best artist not only in Thailand but all around the world. For two decades ago and counting Chalermchai Kositpipat ever made a beautiful white castle, in the picture what is see is light with flowing peace in the edges. The artwork and the passion of painting is one of the best technique in how they came-up with the outstanding canvas. The Artistic legacy of art in Chiang Rai is one that should somebody be ever be proud. This legacy should pass to one another, for the legacy never fades. The continuous flowing of this, leads people to love arts. I honor those Professors who created the legacy that we called art the spirit of art. We should value this kind of art for it is paramount as an artist.

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It takes great artistic passion and minds to reach where these two professors took it. And for Ajarn Chalermchai, I hope he has many more years ahead of him. They both have a magical way about them that draws us into their work. I'm still replaying some of the pieces I saw and some of the pieces they wouldn't allow me to photograph. Simply amazing. Thanks for stopping by and hope you a magnificent week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

@stewak your very right about the two artist spirit by the means of art. The passion which lead them through the right canvas. Upon follwong @adsactly's post it seems like you travel along different counties, culture, tradition, and it's heart of art. Thank you for a wonderful comment! just stay to make the best:)

Simply amazing and vividly described! I enjoyed this post a lot!
Lately, I've been seeing the posts about the nature in Thailand, Philippines, etc and it's not exaggerating to say that I'm left stunned by it. It's like nature painted the picture on your canvas and now it's calling me to come and see the beauty. I've been telling myself that as soon as I get some free time and money, that this area of the World is the first I'm going to visit.

I love art and creativity and I see you had a great artistic time on your trip. My jaw just dropped on a level of my knees when I saw that white castle :O :O Are you kidding me? It's like from some modern artistic fairytale from the future :D I got few question though, can you enter the castle? Is any of the pictures taken inside?

Anyway, the art, history and nature combined together can't make a bad trip, am I right? I'm sure you had a blast there. This post made me look it up on google for more information and pictures, it's simply amazing.

Keep on traveling, carry your art within you and spread it onto nature. Much love, Luka.

i wander what kind of tools requires to create such kind of statute, but that looks tricky, hard and time consuming work of art, but admired their creativity and preserving their culture such a wonderful piece of art, Buddhism in the first place is one of my admiration for which the ideology is quite unique from any other religion, :)

Same here, curious. I didn't know Thai had such sophisticated sculptures based on Buddhism. When considering the tech level at the time this is really good work.

Ancient architecture is simply awesome given the technology of their time. They were simply having great minds and ideas.

They were both awesome artist indeed :) Thanks for stopping by and hope you have an awesome week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Amazing photos ..
Well done, the place looks fantastic
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

these photos are very historical indeed.


Two legendary artists at their best :) Have a wonderful week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

You all looking amazing on the place, so excellent

Thanks a trillion! So glad you enjoyed it!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Very nice art..
I love art..
Thanks for sharing this life..
I appreciate your travel... best of luck
@upvote and resteemit done

Art is what makes the world a better place :) Awesome of you to come by & have an excellent week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Wao! what a cool place to go to, especially the White Temple.

Wat Rong Khun is super awesome my friend. You'd love it, Thanks for coming by & have an incredible week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

its really a beautiful place . thanks for sharing

Thanks a million and have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

you are a great friend.because you always giving brilliant idea of travelling..every photo you pic up very perfectly..this selecting place of travelling very beautifull.. When the feeling is already processed by the artist into the object, then in the current mood, feeling full of passion in the work and art, the artist can realize his work. Works of art that are born using a process that will bring universal values, which others can feel as well as what ever experienced by the artist.your travelling and art thought quality always best and super..thanks to sharing for your excellent shots photography of travelling..very well done dear best of luck

Super appreciate your awesome comment and motivates me more knowing you enjoyed the post. Thanks a million for stopping by and hope you have a terrific week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

You are most welcome

@adsactly I have a question about the dragon on 6th picture from the bottom. I swear I've seen it before. Is it connected with some kind of legend or something?

You may have seen it on a Singha Beer logo but in Thai and Hindu mythology, they are creatures that roam they astral planes (or some levels of it) that can be summoned for protection by a skilled practitioner. Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoyed the post.

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Every piece of art is a @masterpiece ... depends upon the one's level of @aesthetic .....

Thanks a billion! Hope you have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Omg... I love this... Looks so heavenly! Magical, if you will.

They were both magical places of art indeed my friend! Awesome artists :)

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

congratulations for the post to the really beautiful photos. thanks for sharing

Thanks a billion!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

thank you, my brother
you are a very active witness of steemit and discord and I am very proud of your presence

account is a CAP dircord account and you are our witness there. I will choose you as our witness, I hope you help our business
and hopefully we will succeed in steemit to assess quality content

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Wonderful photography, very nice art post, thanks for sharing

So glad you like it and have an awesome week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak


Thanks a quadrillion!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

wow what a art

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Thank You! ⚜

Thanks a trillion!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

God...Thailand is a really beatiful country, i hope to visit one day.

We have a lot of unforgettable places, hope to see you visit sooner than later. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Wow! This is what we called creativity and these legendary stories behind the work makes them even more powerful in the eyes of the beholder. I love art and I know when I see a good one.

Both of these professors made masterpieces like Wow! I was simply trying to take it all in with each piece because it literally affected my mood. Which was awesome :) Thanks for coming by and hope you have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

@adsactly congratulations for the post to the really beautiful photos. Uncontaminated places that transmit a lot of peace intriore. Good boy!

So glad to see you like it. Thanks for coming by and have an incredible week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Dragons are the best creatures invented by humans, although they vary in size and characteristics depending on their origin, they are certainly one of the most powerful legendary creatures. They appear in many myths around the world, and also in popular modern stories such as Harry Potter, The Hobbit or Game of Thrones.
That's why they are so famous ! Thanks for sharing !

There are many variations of what we call dragons that have amazed us in art like you mentioned. Sometimes it's really awesome to just take a step back and smile as a true fan of the artists. Super appreciate you coming by and have an excellent week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

thailand is full of famous royal culture, a beautiful tourist island so much of the world tour to Thailand. thank for sharing :)

Hope to see you visit Chiang Rai soon to also enjoy the arts, my friend! Thanks for coming by and hope you have an awesome week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

I hope my freind
thank you and happy holiday :)

i think you are feel good adventure. i wanna tour to Thailand but i don,t have no money. please pray for me.

May the ye kind universe empower you with all of your traveling dreams :) Thanks for stopping by and see you in Thailand soon!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

That's hands down one of the best things I read today! Keep up the great work :)

Super awesome of you to say that and it's appreciated more than you know. Have a wonderful week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

You deserve it! I'm glad to hear that :))) you too, spring break hehe!

Beautiful sculptures and artistic works they have there @adsactly. Hope to go on a tour there some day.

It's a lovely city to visit and these 2 places are unforgettable. Thanks for coming by and have a fabulous week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

oh, great!
Vote for you♪

Thanks a million and have a terrific week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Chiang Rai is really a beautiful place, if one happens to drift towards Thailand in the near future when our fortunes in steemit shines, the it will be a place to visit. Your photos are quite wonderful and of course you are good at what you do. Thank you for taking me to another world from where i am at.

Agreed, Chiang Rai is quite amazing. Has a nice waterfall too :) Super appreciate the awesome comment and have a marvelous week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Looks like you are very adventurous. And incredible paintings are there.
Thanks for sharing.

It was an awesome trip. Thanks so much for coming by and have an awesome week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

I am so amazed by your pictures.. All the arts and sculptures are like made by not human but spirits.. I really would want to visit such a inspirational place one day...

Another awesome thing about these 2 artists is they both have thousands of students that are hopefully still practicing their craft. Talk about legacies, wow! Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a lovely week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Wow, that place looks rad.

It was super rad indeed :) Thanks for coming by and have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

wow what a photography,very beautiful indeed,getting interested in visiting there!

Thanks for coming by and hope to see you visiting theer one day soon :) Have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Looks epic! Like an RPG. Is it gaurded by archers? 😁

Maybe Baan Dam is by archers, but The White Temple is guarded by monks :) Awesome of you to stop by and have a magnificent week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Ancient civilization and art deserve to visit

Thank you for sharing this visit

Super awesome history & culture I'm positive you'd enjoy :) Have an excellent week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

One day I will visit that ancient civilization.
I was honored to meet you my friend

good job!

Thanks a million!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Thank you so much.

Idroekuh han me kukaloen kah,, leupah that kapeugoet droekeuh... Ka balah.... Sang ka luar biasa kekuatan kah...

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Ooooo,,, thank you brother... Pap ma keuh....

Wow! I never knew something like this existed, but it's beautiful! I can definitely see how tourism gets a huge boost from this, it's fantastically crafted and rivals anything else in the world for artistic mastery.

One thing I'm not clear on - are you allowed to enter the temple itself (from the first picture), or is it only for viewing? I'd be afraid to walk into it for fear of breaking things...

Anyway, I hadn't thought about visiting Thailand before, but after seeing your sweet pictures, I might just have to stop by some time. :D

Yes, the temple's main hall is open until dusk and is just impressive in its own right. There's very artistic Buddha statue sitting on a gold flower, but photos are forbidden. I tried but apparently, the temple's workers know every trick in the book and always politely ask me to stop...LOL. Thanks for coming by and have an awesome week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

What a great post, it Makes me wanna travel around the world, so Many places and cultures! Excelent, please check mine im new here

And travel the world you should! The world is our oyster and happiness begins with embracing new people and cultures in my opinion. Thanks for stopping by and have a magnificent week!

"So glad you could travel with us..."
Best regards, @adsactly & @stewsak

Wowwww... A place full of aesthetics.. Love to see more art related posts from you @adsactly ... You deserve a 10/10 on that 💖

Having seen a lot of temples, you may not be tempted by this one but it really is unlike anywhere else we have visited, visually stunning and full of playful quirks to spot around the place. Entrance was a very reasonably 50B each and we spent an enjoyable 60~90 mins wandering around the grounds and gallery. Would definitely recommend if you are staying in the Chiang Rai area

Very beautiful your images, Congratulations

It is one of the a great post I think.Wonderful post.There are many beautiful pictures.Are you a professional Artist or photograppher?
Thanks for sharing this post......

Nice pos.!!!

Awesome clicks my friend @adsactly. Thailand us my favt place

Chiang Rai is one of the beautiful city in Thailand.It Was founded by King Mangrai. Want to visit that city as soon as possible

Wow, what a great art. Hoping I will see this in the future personally.

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