Why you should travel instead of watching screens

in #travel7 years ago

In this internet and communication era, it’s possible to see anywhere in the world, without getting out of the house, with videos, photographs, documentaries, virtual reality devices etc… Nevertheless, it’s always been said, traveling is much more than seeing new places, buildings, squares and it changes you forever in a way like nothing else can… So, actually what is it that makes it so unique and special? I thought about it and I think I’ve found some answers:

When you travel, you see similarities with yourself and your culture, with your nation, the way you look at life. That makes you realize that the things you feel like special to you, actually is not. Traveling breaks that false belief.

And, there are things that you haven’t seen in a different way. Because you haven’t came across those things in a way others than yours, you have the wrong belief of rest of the world is same. Traveling also breaks that wrong belief.

And, I think everyone has his/her own reasons to travel. Let us know what are yours by commenting.