"Raw Prompts" (used in the making of "Cancer-Fighting Secrets and Other Health Benefits of Seven Fruits (according to Dr. William Li)")

in #transparency11 months ago (edited)

Below are the prompts used on ChatGPT to aid me in crafting and refining "Cancer-Fighting Secrets and Other Health Benefits of Seven Fruits (according to Dr. William Li)," available on my partner blog, @soulful-ease (I do cut the text down in spots where instruction details are not lost, to shorten the overall length of the post).

Prompt #1

Please distill the following transcript (be warned, it has typos) down to the specific fruits that are mentioned to have healthful benefits, what those healthful benefits are, and their "mechanism[s]" (why it is believed that they have the stated health benefits).

Use a bulleted or numbered list to provide these details. This content should be clear and concise to later serve as a reference point within a blog post, which I will cover in a later prompt:

[the transcript from the YouTube video is pasted here]

Prompt #2

Crafting a Blog Post about the Health Benefits of Certain Fruits:

Objective: I need a blog post in markdown format that summarizes a YouTube video by Dr. William Li, highlighting the cancer-fighting properties of seven fruits. The post should be formatted for direct use in a markdown editor and should be personal in tone, using "I" to refer to myself, the author.

Structure of the Blog Post:

1.) Introduction:

  • Purpose: Briefly introduce the video's content, focusing on its discussion of seven specific fruits with health benefits, particularly in cancer prevention.
  • Context about Dr. William Li: Mention Dr. Li’s credentials briefly and provide a link to a previous post for more detailed information about his background and research.
  • Transition to video: Lead into the embedded video section, emphasizing that it provides detailed insights on the fruits discussed.

2.) Embedded YouTube Video:

  • Setup: Introduce the embedded video, noting that it elaborates on the fruits and their health benefits as discussed by Dr. Li.

3.) Detailed Breakdown of Fruits and Their Health Benefits:

  • Introduction to this section: Explain that this part distills the content of the embedded video into key facts about the health benefits of the mentioned fruits and the scientific reasons behind these benefits.
  • Content: Incorporate the bulleted list of the fruit, their benefits and the mechanisms behind them. Note that there is no need to type this part out, because we've already completed it and I plan to simply copy and paste it into this section of the blog post.

4.) Summary and Call to Action:

  • Overview: Summarize the potential health benefits of incorporating these fruits into the reader’s diet.
  • Motivation: Encourage readers to consider these fruits as part of their daily intake to harness the discussed benefits.

5.) Behind the Scenes:

  • Explanation of AI involvement: Describe how ChatGPT-4 was used in crafting the blog post, and direct readers to a linked blog that details the AI prompts used for creating this content (done both for transparency and prompting education).

6.) Conclusion:

  • Final thoughts: Close with a brief recap of the health benefits discussed and invite readers to stay tuned for future posts.

7.) Style and Tone:

  • Professional yet accessible: The language should be engaging but not overly technical, suitable for readers with a general interest in health and nutrition.