Xu Lu Killed the Wizard

There once was a wizard who met a fair maiden who threw magic the wizard could not defeat. She cast a spell on him and forced him to transform into a new non wizard.......

You guys know I haven't cut my beard since like 2011, I've kind of been hiding from the world, to be honest.

I've got reason to no longer hide now. I'm coming out of a deep depression I've been in since 2002. My back is doing way better than when I was told I'd never walk again and I'm trading on nodes in place of coins now. So now I can just stack coins without worry of price drops.

Back to the beard.........


People say I look like a wizard and that is where the title came from. I just think I look like an old man which is fine since I wasn't worried about what I looked like, lol.


I filled up a sink for the first time in so so so many years.

I decided to start with a baby beard 1st, lol


Then a Goatee and a face only a mother can love but fuck it.



Wow, such a transformation!
Looking sharp buddy.
The wizard look was cool to though 🧙‍♂️