TraDove ICO The Next Facebook/LinkedIn

in #tradove7 years ago (edited)


ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) are swarming to the crypto-world these days. They are offering a great opportunity for every citizen of the internet to invest, but considering the riskier nature of a start-up, one should try to sift the good from the bad and get a short list of the best ones that sound promising.

On one hand, Business to Business (B2B) networking to find products, services etc is harder than it seems for many reasons from searching problems using regular internet searches to trusting and transparency when it comes to international transactions. Right now, most of the B2B marketers are using the existing social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Youtube etc which are not really designed for a B2B networking.

On the other hand blockchain technology has shown its power that how tokenizing a business and using the blockchain technology or a similar structure can revolutionize how we deal with the problems today.

2-What is TraDove?

  • Facebook connects Friends
  • LinkedIn connects Professionals
  • TraDove connects Businesses

3-ICO Evaluation:


(i) A very strong team and backers: 

This ICO has the top notch and best mix of people that I have seen in any recent ICOs from Amazon Alexa team, Facebook, Cloudera, LinkedIn, MIT, Alibaba to former CEO of Bank of America, former CEO of Morgan Stanly, former CEO of Siemens Inc, former group VP of General Motors, former US congressman etc. The list is just extensive and impressive.

(ii) A great idea:

The idea itself to create a specialized social media for B2B is just as great as it was for creating Facebook and LinkedIn.

(iii) Covers Most Major Markets:

TraDove will cover business all around the world from the US to Europe, from China to Japan.

(iv) Already has a customer base:

TraDove has been in the business since 2012 and has done the heavy lifting to collects the minimum base for the next big social media.

(v) Market size:

Size of Global B2B Marketing Spending: USD 76 Billion
Volume of International Trade: USD 16 Trillion

(vi) Clear roadmap until the end of 2020:

Unlike many ICOs that have a roadmap only for a year or so, TraDove has outlined the roadmap for the next 3 years

(vii) Who is in:

TraDove are used by big corporations such as WALMART, The Boeing company, Siemens Inc, NESTLE, TOYOTA, Ford, TATA, P & G etc. The list is just massive and impressive. See the full list of who is in

(Vii) Purchase with fiat money:

Most of ICOs only accept digital money. This is a hassle for people who are not familiar with digital currencies and it is even threatening. One can purchase with USD by wiring money. Purchases by fiat money are eligibale for a 3% bonus too.

(viii) Good bonus rate:

TraDove offers 30% for PreSale that ends 31 Jan 2018. Then, Public Sale starts on the 1st Feb and ends on the 15th Feb.


(i) Not well prepared for the PreSale:

We see most of ICOs come up with flashy sites and employ smart contracts and/or a special web app for affiliate/referrals etc. They handle the pre-sale, whitelisting, and public ICO very well. TraDove could have done a better job in this matter. I hope the team quickly comes up with some idea to improve this process.

(ii) Not able to check the current business site:

While I am waiting to be approved for the current website, there is no other way to evaluate the current platform. Also, the current website of TraDove ( does not indicate anything about the TraDove ICO, however, they have mentioned it on their LinkedIn page.

4-Extra Bonus for you:

TraDove will grant me with 5% of your purchased tokens if you register in time (before 15 Feb 2018) and purchase tokens. This will NOT be paid from your tokens, but this is TraDove giving me the tokens as a bonus for the referrals. I have decided to make this 50-50 with my referrals. All I will need from you is the name you have registered and the number of tokens you purchased(please indicate the purchased amount and bonus amount separately). I need to email them personally to collect the bonus since there is no referral process in place as I explained it in the cons.

I am not sure you can send me a private message via steemit since this is my first post, but in that case please email me at or The tokens will be deposited in March. Upon receiving the tokens I will send half of the bonus tokens to your wallet address.


TraDove ICO offers a tremendously good opportunity to invest the earliest in the next big thing in the trillion dollar social media market that is specialized for businesses. Their impressively strong team and success background in 5 years of running the business removes a lot of risks that is associated with ICOs and makes it a SWEET DEAL for anyone who wants to invest in the next Facebook/LinkedIn the earliest time at the cheapest price.

Disclaimer: Investing in ICOs and crypto-currencies involves risk. The intention of this article is to help you get introduced to best ICOs. Please do your own due diligence and do NOT invest money you cannot lose.

To get more information and buy tokens visit:


Hi I have a question for you if you could answer. There is also a 6-month lock-up period
after the ICO. After that, monthly sales
limits apply. For team awards, there will
be a vesting period of 4 years spreading
the token award on a monthly basis over
a 48-month period starting from their
first date at the job... There's a 6 month lock up? and then what is the monthly sales limit mean?

I asked the admin in the telegram group and he mentioned that the 6 month lock up is for the employees and sales limit means the amount of tokens sold to a person will be limited. I think it is a strategy to make sure one person does not take a control of the majority of the tokens

TraDove established a referal program, so please use this link to refer to the site: