sorry dude, I think you might have misunderstood the intended audience of the article, I write about day trading not longer term investing and building portfolios. It's aimed at people who are going to be opening single positions at a time, maybe hundreds of positions a day for anthing from a few seconds to a couple hours, completely different to building a long term portfolio.
I'm not saying your advice is wrong, it's just not applicable for short term trading. It's like playing Roulette but with the odds in your favour, just a simple game played over and over again.
I totally agree with what you said though, I manage my investment porfolio a lot different to my day trading account :-)
Ah, my bad. Thanks .
ah no worries man, what you said was really good advice, you should copy and paste it into an article for your own page ! I totally agree with what you said, I have long term portfolios as well, I just use day trading to make the capital I need to increase them.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm still finding my way around Steem. I like typing longer posts, but perhaps shorter is better.
from what I can see, if you want to make money from Steemit then you need to make small posts as often as possible, at least once a day. Some of the scammers are making three sentence posts 10 times a day and creaming it in.
my posts are way too long, people keep telling me to split them up but meh, not really bothered
Point taken. Maybe I'll try to split posts / do shorter posts / do one long post a week. My objective is to maintain a high quality of post, but I guess it doesn't HAVE to be long.