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RE: A thread from our slack chatroom

in #trading8 years ago

"I am sure the Breaking Base Scanner would be helpful, too, but as far as I know I don't have access to it since I am not a Slack member. I do have the Cryptomarketscanner, which is really cool! Would love to use the Breaking Base Scanner - I'm sure it would help my confidence in identifying a base!"

My advice might surprise you - I recommend that you do not use any of the scanners. Focus on learning how to read charts, set alerts, make enough positive trades to triple your account. THEN and only then should you incorporate the scanners. The scanners should be used to find incremental opportunities, they should not be a part of your core profit strategy. The base scanner is still in BETA, its far from perfect - but I occasionally fine some nice opportunities that I missed on my own. Usually the base scanner finds situations that I already found on my own by reading charts and setting alerts - THAT is what it takes to become a great trader, there is no substitute for hard work, study and dedication. From our experience in the Slack, the people who are looking for shortcuts to success seem like they are more likely to fade away - if you want to be a long term winner, don't take the shortcuts. Seize the day.

Good luck, look forward to seeing you all in the slack someday soon when we re-open the doors!


Thanks for the feedback. I certainly wouldn't rely solely on the scanner for trades. Rather, I consider the scanner to be analogous to a tutor. I do the work on my own, but the scanner helps provide both positive and negative feedback, to either validate or invalidate my answer. The "answer" in this context would be my identification of a base. Now, I couldn't trust the robots enough to make all of my decisions, eh? :)

I'm definitely looking forward to participating in the Slack channel when it's more accessible!

Thanks for all of your contributions - I hope I get a chance to return the favor.

The robot is not good enough, you cannot trust it. It's a rough guide, but it's far less accurate than you can be. There are frequently false triggers because it's logic is very basic. It's good for catching ideas you ,ugh the have overlooked, but you cannot trust the bot to do the work for you - even a beginner will do a better job than the bot. Strange, but true!

Thanks and happy trading guysThat was well said but @tizzle when we are going to find out? and how about the re-open of the doors to the slack channel?

Not today, sorry. when we are ready, everyone will know - on that I can promise.

@tizzle Could you help me out with the Slack invite? I would really appreciate it!

Is there any sight on when the re-opening might be?