Oh yeah, I remember the trollbox and all the withdraw problems on Poloniex ;-)
I discovered crypto in March 2017, and I tried my luck as daytrader, without any knowledge, hahaha. I flushed some money down the toilet.
Fortunately I bought some BTC and ETH in March 2017, and I never sold, so it's still a good long term investement.
Will I go back to daytrading after these years?!? No no no, better not.
Have a great day!
Steemitri The Mannequin
@steemitri if you bought BTC back in March 2017 you are a rich young mannequin!
Hahaha, no, not rich... and yes, it was at about 1000 swiss francs, and ETH at about 30-40 swiss francs.
So let's wait and see what happens in the next months/years ;-)
Oh man, you must be a crypto "OG" baron right now! :)