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RE: Follow up video: "My thoughts about Daytrading and Account Building trades"

in #trading7 years ago

Hey Luc,

I've been studying your materials like a madman for a few weeks now.

I had originally found you by googling around to try to find out what qfl meant (found the term in 3commas).

I had been following various TA youtubers but I always had this nagging feeling in my mind whem they talked about support that was months back. I was always thinking "but that was then" crypto changes so fast how can anything be based on then. I now realize that it is sort of true, only because so many people believe it, but not something to to base everything on.

When I found you I almost didn't watch the video. I was like "not another ta guy" but I did. And when you starting talking about only looking at current bases I was hooked. You were the first to answer that nagging question in my head. Since then I have been absorbing all I can.

btw, love the idea of only reacting to your opponent, oops I mean market. I teach this every day in the fighting arts. It's the same. You must have Mushim (no mind) which means no predictions, no thinking, just reacting to the openings the opponent creates. I love the parallel. I also love the discipline development and many other aspects which I see as similar to the fighting arts.

Before finding you I had been doing spread trades, I now realize this is not the same as AB trades. I had discovered the spread trades before finding you and had a few successes. But I also have a few I'm stuck in as of this btc drop on the 13th. No bueno. But a lesson.

I had been doing investing. and have found myself about even on that. Some wins but lots of losses too. So not interested in that until I get free coins built up.

I've been into crypto since '12. I just formerly had no interest in trading. I was one of the guys that wished the evil traders would go away so volatility would stop and we could go on to change the world with this stuff. (Have I exposed enough of my stupid ideas yet?)

Anyways, that's my rant, but I do have a question.

I've been doing AB and what's left of the spread trades I'm in for a few weeks. Was doing okay, but on the 13th everything died. I've spent some time looking for AB coins for the last few days and every one I see shows the same pattern, good swings but then flatline starting the 13th. So is it just time to take a break for a few days? I can't seem to make anything happen these past 4 days. No lows no highs, just going straight down the middle.

Thanks and I will continue to study. I have learned so much, that makes so much more sense. Really appreciate you and your community. I'm in telegram and discord but this is my first post in your community. I've been lurking and learning