BTC all time high of $6400 & please explain WTF is going on here?

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

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Have you ever seen a perfect straight line of flat candles before? How exactly does this happen? From the traders amongst you I would love to get the answer to this question.

This means there was no trading in this period.

And today I watched BTC & BCC do exactly the same thing at the same time.

See below.

Bitcoin Cash/Bitcoin
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It started just before 2pm Bali time and finished at exactly 2.30. Feels like bots to me. Doing something very strange.

Looking forward to getting some answers!

Matrix Steem.gif


This is a normal datafeed error, caused when your connection is down, or their connection is down. Someone wrote there was a downtime @ Bitfinex

Whenever there is trading a perfect straight line is impossible.

Thanks! You and @teamsteem were the only ones to provide the actual answer. Much appreciated.

I can put all the conspiracy theories to bed now!

Already broke out above 7k! So crazy!

Bitfinex was down for around 30 minutes. If you look at other exchanges you won't see this flat line.

Ah! Thanks. I knew there was a sensible answer :)

Great post

Errr.... not really. I very fast one actually! But thanks anyway.

flatline probably caused by connection error or their server was down

See top comment for the answer!


Errr.... yes. See top comment for the answer!

I saw the new values but that flat line really looks a bit strange...

Thankfully @teamsteem has provided the answer for us at the top of these comments :)

No one traded during that time that causes a flat line?
(maybe connection error, etc?)

Thankfully I received my answer from @teamsteem :)

You can see it at the top of these comments.

Well, I was right then. Connection error. lol

Thanks for your links. It turns out there is a simple explanation. See top comment for the answer!

This post is very helpful post I like this post thanks for sharing.... Mm

Thanks for the comment. The answer to my question is at the top of these comments :)

This looks strange, but maybe a bug in the system :)

A glitch in the matrix! In fact @teamsteem provided the rather less conspiratorial answer: Bitfinex was down for around 30 minutes. Glad I asked ;)

That's why we don't need to worry :)))

haha! See top comment for the actual answer ;)

Screen shot 2017-10-31 at 18.42.06.png

haha! That's what it felt like. The heart of the machine stopped beating for half an hour. Thankfully @teamsteem provided the answer at the top of this list of comments :)

Awesome ....
Thanks for sharing and i will follow you and you also follow me and upvote my post


its my pleasure my dear friend @samstonehill

Very interesting thank you for sharing appreciate it keep up the good work @mannyfig1956

Thanks for following! Always appreciated.

Your welcome