Hey everyone,
I been trying to keep up with all your questions, while I'm busy trading everyday, but I just wanted to let you know I will be taking Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. So I will not be responding to questions till I get back Monday morning.. There's no need to upvote this post since there is no value content in it, I just wanted everyone to know in advance why I wont be responding for a few days.
Thanks to everyone for all the interest and participation on my blog. I'm enjoying all the positive comments and all those screen shots of successful trades. And have a great weekend,
Hi, I already have the CRYPTO PICASO program, if you needed just leave your email and I will send to you.
Hi Mindango, I would really appreciate the program if you have the time to send it over? a.i3aron@gmail.com Thank you!
hey @mindango would really appreciate it if you're still sending this out. earlybirdspecial3@gmail.com thank you!
Just sent to you. Enjoy it and study it! :)
Hello Earlybirdspecial, I thought I would ask if you could please pass me a copy of what mindango sent you. I don't want to bother him he is already sending it to a lot of people... :) Thanks a lot! zsmarcano@gmail.com
Hey, I would be very grateful if you could send me the program, i suppose it has some really interesting insights for a humble fellow like me.. :) My email is michael.unknown91@gmail.com
Just sent to you. Enjoy it and study it! :)
Thanks alot :)@mindango would be awesome if you could send me a copy, my email is iconikk@yahoo.com.
Just sent to you. Enjoy it and study it! :)
@mindango Very cool of you to share this! Can I also get a copy? I am very hungry to learn more! Thanks alot! - Briang202@gmail.com
@mindango Could you please send this way? jfdt2954@gmail.com. Would really, really appreciate it.
I would love a copy if possible, Thank you!
Just sent to you. Enjoy it and study it! :)
Would really appreciate it!Hi @mindango, could you please send it to me as well? thanks in advance! funkycre8v@gmail.com
Just sent to you. Enjoy it and study it! :)
Hi, @mindango could I please get one too? :) jrobinsonagent@gmail.com
Hey tyjeco could you please forward it to me too. my email is indu_13@hotmail.co.uk. thank you.
Bro, would super appreciate it if you could send me a copy too!
Thank you kindly @mindango. Could you please send this way as well? jfdt2954@gmail.com. thanks!
Hi @mindango, i would love a copy also if you are still sending it out. Many Thanks :) my email is nervisrek@gmail.com
Hi, @mindango. Your course would be very helpful. Can you send it over irpejoo@hotmail.com. Much appreciated !
Hi mindango, I would love to have a copy of crypto picasso program. I would be very grateful. My email is jennycasuga95@gmail.com
Hi Mindango, hope your still willing to share. Could you sent it to ti3mpi3@hotmail.com. Much appreciated!!!
Hi Mindango, if you are so generous about Picasso course, my mail is sljivarski@gmail.com . Thanks Bro
Anyone who has the link, please send it to andreaskrieger95@yahoo.com
thanks a million guys, it's awesome to see people who are willing to help each other out
Hello @andreaskrieger! did you get the link to the crypto picasso course? Can you please kindly forward it to flaviatore@gmail.com ? That would be amazing. Thank you in advance... A fellow steemer from Germany
Hey @mindango, thanks so much for sharing this. I'm just starting out and would LOVE a copy so I can learn and share my experiences with the community. My email is iacabucci@hotmail.com. Thanks!
If you're still sending it... Can you send it to me too? My email is mfitts23@gmail.com. Thanks!
Hi mindango, would you be so kind and share it also with me on: lowtohigh17@gmail.com. Many thanks!
@mindango it would be priceless for me to get access to that program if you dont mind. abdou.samake@hotmail.com
Hi Mindago can you please send it to me. my email is indu_13@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you!!
cheers!@mindago do you mind sending it to me too?
would you send me a copy also? Thank you!!!
would you send me a copy also? Thank you!!!
hey mindango I would appreciate a copy as well! my email's yasseralzahed@gmail.com
@mindango, please send to fqsbits@gmail.com
hello mindango,
can you please fwd the crypto picaso course for my study? I'd really appreciate it. email: arikadamsmail@yahoo.com . i've been investing in crypto for about 6 months now. im ready for more knowledge. Thank you a bunch!!
Hello @mindago, can i get a study copy as well? Thanks a bunch for sharing!! arikadamsmail@yahoo.com
Hi there. I am new to all this. If still possible, would you please send a copy to coliddon@gmail.com
Many thanks.
O.O hey there min, if you have a moment, then I would be very appreciate of the link!
Email is -- jcnixon15@gmail.com
Thanks for supporting the cause!!
Cheers!Hi @mindango, I would really appreciate it if you could share this with me too - efiviopoulou@hotmail.com .
hey mindango would be very interested if you would send me the course since my account is currently very small and 0.5 btc is just too much but I want to learn the analysis method... would really appreciate it.
E-mail: slacknews@yahoo.com
hello @mindango, I would appreciate if I could get the crypto picasso link from you! I'm looking for all inspiration I can get. flaviatore@gmail.com .
Can you please send to izuthetrader@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.
Hey Luc youve been an awesome mentor to me for the past few months, ever since before you took down your youtube channel I was hooked on those old videos. I was wondering if you've heard of Crypto Picasso and his Bits Too Freedom course. I've just completed it and it's some of the most incredible stuff I've ever learned. He charges .5 BTC for it so I went in on it with a few of my friends and none of us have regretted it. For all you've taught me I'd like to repay the favor and send you the course. Maybe you'll learn some new stuff and be able to add implement it to your strategy and it to your videos in the future, only benefiting our steemit community further. If your interested shoot me your email and I'll send it over.
@canada-tothemoon That is very kind of you. Im always doing market research, learning. So if you think this course is helpful, and you want to provide it to me, I appreciate it. I am still away for a few days, but Ill dm you right now..
@canada-tothemoon : It is a security risk to share our email addresses on steemit via DM because wallet transfers are not hidden, the contents are public. Would you be willing to contact me on Twitter instead? My Twitter name is @_tizzle. Thnx!
[Edit] For those who don't know how to DM, Here's how.
Hi canada-tothemoon,
Do you have any direct link of the course you took?
It seems interesting. Is it quite different than the stuff Luc is teaching us?
Are you going to particpate in TRADING SIGNALS?
I think I will. But always do your own research before taking signals from anyone else. No matter how reputable the person
Thank you!@canada-tothemoon Hi canada, i am also interested in crypto-picasso's course. I couldn't find it online. I would be greatful if you could send it to my email: shiningdaisy30000@gmail.com
Hey this coarse sounds very interesting. There's probably not a chance you would send it to a random fellow trader like myself is there? lol
DM me
same here. I looked on chat but didn't see a way to start a DM. :-(
See my comment to thatguy25 for the info on how to DM.
Ya so I guess I dont know if I can DM you, but if you wanna send me that, you could send it to bobbybouchet123abc@gmail.com. If you don't want to, I understand.
either way, Cheers and happy trading!!
Would really appreciate if you wouldsend me the course too. I´m just starting out and my account isnt pretty big right now. Hope you can help a beginner out would be very grateful :) E-Mail: slacknews@yahoo.com
would love to, but im a bit embarrassed to admit that I dont know how to DM on steemit...???
To DM, transfer any amount of steem with a message attached. Here's a guide. https://steemit.com/steem-help/@steempowerwhale/how-to-contact-anyone-on-steemit-directly-the-visual-quick-help-guide
canada-tothemoon I've DM-ed you, please reply when you can.
@canada-tothemoon Do you think it is possible that you could also DM me the course? Greatly appreciated in advance
That'd be really interesting, but i have no steem currency to send a DM... my gmail is sirbow2 if'd you'd be willing to send it.
@canada-tothemoon i am on the same boat with no steem. Could you send to me too. Thank you. boltonr85@gmail.com
same boat, no steem but would love to take the course!
if you're looking to charge people, maybe the people who replied to your comment can split it
in any case, you can reach me at reallangyeye@gmail.com if you'd like to help out a fellow trader. thanks!
My email is iconikk@yahoo.com@canada-tothemoon is there any chance you could send me a copy of the crypto Picasso course?
It would really be greatly appreciated :)
same, hidalgoe1@yahoo.com
Hey @canada-tothemoon , could you please send this way as well? jfdt2954@gmail.com. thanks!
Can you please send me a copy of the trading course? izuthetrader@gmail.com. Thank.@Canada-tothemoon
Way to choose a time when BTC rises 20%!
Absolutely incredible information you're putting out there! THANK YOU!
I am wondering after watching all the videos multiple times - Is there any percentage guide on how to qualify a "base." I know there probably isn't a hard/fast rule for this, and it likely depends on the chart you're looking at and the behavior of the buyers/sellers, but let's take BTRX:ETH/USDT for example.
Are we looking for say, a 10% drop in price followed by an =/> 10% price bounce? Those percentages are probably inaccurate, but they help frame the kind of loose answer I'm hoping to get to help me understand better how to qualify a base accurately.
If I'm thinking about this all wrong, let me know. THANKS!
No, every base is different and for different reasons.. sometimes its actually just a number in peoples heads like 200.. and nothing gets past 200 on the chart.. or it could be a price where something big happened like news.. and the news produced a bounce and now after that news no one can imagine that coin lower than where that news came out.. so you see, its not mathematical.. but it is easily seen on a chart and then you just set your alerts and wait for a crack..
Luc Skywalker! I'm still gonna upvote this post because your the man....Thanks for everything you've done so far...have a great weekend!
hey thanks for helping promote my blog
Have a nice time Luc! I hope you will spent it doing something you love with your love ones to get enough strength to another successful trades! :)
Take care.
trade sensei bows
I'll up-vote all your post ! Enjoy your weekend my hero luc!
Hey, thanks for all you do. And I was wondering how you learned to trade like you do. Did you figure it out yourself or who taught you?
self taught.. I watched countless videos and own every book imaginable, and no one seems to trade like me.. unfortunately
You are amazing! I am learning so much from you. I probably will make my first trade when my account clears next week. Thank you so much. If you should have a membership where you send out telegrams or alert I think most of us will be very interested. Maybe something you will consider...
Have a good weekend dude. You probably deserve a break more than everyone else here. And thanks for all the amazing videos and tips, I only started training a week ago and I'm up ~20% and it's all thanks to you, my man!
thanks, im glad to here you are up... hope you fall in love with trading like i have
Hey Luc,
Looking at ETH/USDT and trying to ID the bases and where I want to buy/sell. I circled what I think are the bases based on the bounce and drew another circle where I will sell if I get the buys. Is this correct using your method?
I'm not an expert. but it looks like your sell circle on the end there is above your base. This might work for you possibly, but not gaurenteed. Lucs method for the highest chance of making profit on your trade would be to buy "BELOW" the base youve circled on the right and then set your sell order right back at the base. Its almost 100% that the price will bounce back to the base when the price cracks below it. It is possible that it will go higher than the base and you could make a bit more. but sometimes it only comes up to just at the base and continues to fall lower so your sell might never get filled for some time.
I might be reading your plan wrong. but it looks like you are planning to buy RIGHT AT THE BASE. Like I said earlier, Lucs strategy is to buy when the prices craks BELOW that base. I would wait to buy until it is at least a good 10% below as well.
Hope this helps a bit.
Sorry if I misread your comment and this information was unnecessary lol
I concur with thatguy25. I am no expert, but have been trading using Luc's method since a few days before he deleted his old channel (and have net profit so far).
Your first circle is a clear base, which is never cracked. With Luc's method, there is no buy signal.
Your second base is cracked, and is quickly retested. Where it is retested is your new base. (Marked with an orange line in my edit).
Your two middle circles are "safe" buy zones, until they retest the previous base. Your last circle is NOT a safe buy zone, there is no clear base defining it.
please dont circle your bases, that will get confusing.. thanks for posting a chart tho.. I like the base you picked, only Im not sure where you intend to buy
Thanks Luc! In intended to buy at the second to last circle from the right and sell in the last circle area. Ended up not executing as I was traveling.
God bless you Luc, Have a good weekend!
Your a good man.. thanks for you support and same to you
Do you guys think this will rise to the base or the bounce already happened and I failed?

I didn't sell cause it never really touched upon the base, at least in my opinion.
I was in the same trade. It may be possible for it to hit that base at around 0.007 BTC, but I think it is likely it might not happen for a few days at least. I COULD BE WRONG!
I think the main reason that it didnt bounce right back to that base is because of how slowly the priced cracked below it. It took so long for it to drop that when you see the bounce start at around 0.0065, it stopped short of the base by about 1%. so you could so that the bigger more recent bounce was kind of a bounce back to th small base at 0.0065.
This is why I have found it useful to set an alert shorlty before my sell order at the base so that I can watch to make sure it will reach it, or if im not going to be around my computer I might just set my sell order slightly shorter than the base I am expecting it to bounce to, that way even if it falls a bit short I should hopefully still get my profit.
This is just my opinion and what ive been seeing in some of my trades lately.
I think you haven't looked for a 'panic drop' in price before buying. You need a faster decline to a lower price to be more sure of a bounce.
The drop is really not a panic but a steady decline. Also support doesn't seem strong. I can't prove this point, but it does seem ETH prices that occur with sharp decline or rise have a direct but opposite effect on ETC. I usually just trade ETH and don't touch ETC in this case.
God Bless you man enjoy your rest. Please when you get back and have a chance could look at this chart i worked on today for BAT/BTC trading on bittrex. Im using a 1 hour candle with a 3 month span... Can you let me know if it looks about right ??
beautiful chart.. but im not exactly sure what all those circles signify.. still it is a great chart, impossible to lose money on those dips
the safety circles :P
Enjoy your days off and have a great time, Luc!
Thank you for everything you've done to help us all!
Hey folks, where are you all from?
I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Enjoy your break, mate!
How I judge a chart ;)
Just wanted to share my first (and only so far) trade. Thanks for the blog. The part I'm finding the hardest is waiting around for the cracks.
Same here! That's why I can't wait for the market scanner so we can catch those really fast cracks :)
I'm a programmer so I looked into this yesterday. It really shouldn't be very hard to do, coinigy has an api that I believe could be used to access all the markets it has access to. It could be done via php for a web based approach or even to keep things simple a simple python desktop application could be written. Coinigy has some simple example on github of how to use their api.
The only thing stopping me giving it a go is lack of time :(
I will pay you, as will a lot of people here!
yeah, thats what many traders say, so i will address that in this next video
Enjoy the break. When you are back in the saddle do you mind commenting on this?
Hey all wondering if anyone has knowledge on this. When looking at Bittrex bid and ask orders going through what can one look for to determine a trend up or down on 1 to 5 minute chart? In terms of the size of bid and ask orders going through and the order and number of each lined up on either side. For example in this short video on XEL I bought at 73 and had a sell set for 78883 and as it moved up and down I was trying to decide if this was going to run higher and should cancel the order or if I should take profits sooner. If I had better knowledge of what the bid and ask orders were doing to the price I think I could make a better decision. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Tough question.. I have found that in order to read level 2 acurately and gauge the market direction, you need an even to have just happened.. you need context.. In a normal enviroment, the bid and ask will get heavy on one side or the other and it will mean nothing.. it will just keep thickening and thining and the price barely moves.. but lets say for instance a coin drops 30% very fast.. and then the big gets thick.. well no that signifies that there is a bounce developing.. you see.. you need context to be able to read level 2
Hey there.
I just got on coinigy a couple days ago and found/watched your '3 steps to profitable trades' (or whatever it was called).
Following you closely now as I try to figure out coinigy and trading without emotions/based on something other than hope.
no worried, its quite simple to grasp.. only sometimes tough to be patient an wait for an opportunity..
Hey Luc, what is going on when charts look like this? It's as if the activity is automated. It doesnt look organic at all.
thats a dead coin.. probably to be delisted soon due to inactivity.. lack of support.. it is simply having a few transactions from the bid to the ask and back again, without any real movement.. and most of those transactions will be very very small.. complete gamble and dangerous.. I would never buy a chart like this, no matter the percentage possible
Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to repond.
I tried to get in to this deal.. it's impossible! ask=48 bid=47 for ages now... crazy! and still the charts are moving red en green every 5 minutes..
Hope you enjoyed your weekend Luc! I'm new to the trading world and feel extremely fortunate to have connected with you, the information you are providing for FREE is awesome. Thank you! I am anxious and VERY excited to begin building wealth investing in the Cryptoworld!!! I've been studying your videos and spending all my free time to learn as much as possible on how to trade coins. Looking forward to chatting, blogging and learning more from you during this amazing opportunity right now with Cryptocurrency. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
hey, im glad your here and hope you get some big trades very soon
Hey Luc, thanks for sharing so much to the community at large. While I was excited to trade cryptos, that excitement is slowly dying as I may not be even able to trade any cryptos at all. There is only 1 exchange out there that supports my local currency (MYR) as fiat and their platform is buggy with non-existent customer service. I am wondering whether platforms like Kraken will accept foreign telegraphic transfers for deposits from malaysia? They use Fidor Bank AG (wire transfer) and state that 'Fidor only accepts wire transfer deposits from SEPA zone countries'. That seems to mean I can't trade at all being from a non SEPA country. Is customer support across the board for cryptos the worst or what? People can get $20k stuck for weeks without any news and I am becoming a bit nervous.
Try localbitcoins, or the one I used in Vietnam is remitano... Remitano was very professional!
Seems they are all from individual sellers who are selling above the prices of any exchange.
Im really not the right guy to ask this question to.. I have no idea which exchange you can use to make your first deposit.. however after you have some BTC you can then send it to any exchange you wish to trade from.. But maybe someone reading this can give you a helpful answer..
Thanks, incidentally all exchanges got back to me on the same day - today. And sending btc across exchanges seems to be the cheapest option. An international wire transfer costs much more (imagine the implications of that). It's unbelievable that I am now trading USD/ETH just as I wanted. But huge thanks anyway!
no problem, im glad to help..
Welcome Back Luc. Any news on the scanner?
Also, do you think a Verizon 4G LTE broadband card and a new netbook will be sufficient for trading while on the road?
Have you tried the Algo Trading beta tool from coinigy?
Cheers Brotha
I have traded from my small laptop on the road and find coinigy charts dont work very good on small screens.. I have not tried algo trading on coinigy.. nope..