Hello Luc,
I tried to do a simple scanner which can detect changes considering "last price" values (what is shown on the chart) or changes considering "order book" values
I will keep working on it since it's too basic
I've posted a screen where i've set 4 times (5mins, 20 mins, 40mins and 60 mins)
what do you use 5 mins timeframe for? I've noticed that with longer timeframes you can detect broken bases more easily, but what about 5 mins?
Do you use that for really fast trades? (implying it's not a dump)
Kind regards
the market scanner is really only to spot daytrades.. as far as bases go, the simple alerts that we can set up on coinigy is fine.. I have some programmers already developing market scanners for us.. so soon we will have something for everyone
Ok thanks for the info Luc!
I thought the market scanner was intended for the bases but I was not finding it useful for this... instead it is very useful for spotting fast drops which can be exploited!
yup.. market scanner for daytrading drops and pops.. alerts are for bases