It's a very interesting space. I'm currently evaluating a few other prediction markets. In particular I'm liking what are doing.
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It's a very interesting space. I'm currently evaluating a few other prediction markets. In particular I'm liking what are doing.
Thank you for introducing numer ai. It's quiet interesting I should take a look deeply. But my initial concern is that it is Eth based and it may not process sufficient amount of transactions per block to run hedge fund.
It's a valid concern, although I'm not so worried. I could be wrong but:
DISC: I'm watching, but not otherwise invested atm. That might change.
If the is centralized, ie permissioned blockchain like ripple, then we should trust the administrator. I am concerned about trust issue since the admin may get away with client's money.
If it is centralized, there is no meaning of applying public blockchain.