Hi Luc
My question:
Do you ever take cash out of your account(s)?
In one of your older video's at one moment you mentioned something like "I never pay myself out". This got stuck in my head for a while because how can you do this for a living if you never take anything out?
Or did I totaly missunderstood this somehow?
I'm not planning to do this full time for a living (anytime soon). But somehow I do plan to pay myself out an "extra" now and then and I was wondering how others do this. (input from others on this is also very welcome!)
Sideinfo you might not have the time for to read:
I've bumped into you while doing research on starting with daytrading, which now led me into (safe)position trading.
From your first video off you got me hooked and interested. The way you put everything is very clear and somehow "noob"-friendly.
I don't look for step by step guides on how to do something, but your video's were the guideline I was looking for on how to get started with this.
Thanks for all the time and effort you've put in so far. You might feel underappreciated, but you earn every kind of credit you can get for all the help and info you provide.
Luc has been trading penny stocks for over 10 years and making money and still doing so. He hasn't yet to cash out in Crypto because he has yet to financially have a need for that