Insider Trading Stock Market And Crypto Scams

in #trading3 years ago

We live in the age of brainwashing and quick gain schemes.
The rags to riches sudden growth, luck. All unreliable BS. Schemers don't want solid system. They want chaos because a solid fair system would not allow unscrupulous liars, schemers and manipulators room for quick advancement. At the end hardworking people get scammed for some cleptimaniac to get rich and we wonder why the world is fucked up today
You wont be the one who will get rich. You are the sheep who is offering its wool for nothing in hopes that u might be the lucky one.
You are up against unwinnable odds. we are talking insider trading, stock manipulation and every possible way for you to lose your investments
Focus is placed on those few among millions who managed to "beat the market". trust me u have more chances of winning the national lottery than to win the stock market casino game.
This is how 1 woman managed to make millions of people lose their life savings.

Dont ever give your money to a stranger. Never ever trust somoene with your money.
When a broker calls u- hang up. You will never see your money again.
If he knew so much about the "trading secrets" and which stocks would be up and down - he would be sailing somewhere in a million dollar yacht not offering stocks to strangers on phone.