The network is basically an investment and also educational platform for providing crypto naives, crypto-enthusiasts, traders and analyst with educational services that will aid quality professional investment decisions, it also offers top-notch analytical trading tools, reviews. The platform offers strategies, trading signals and quality recommendations from experienced professional within the platform so as to give crypto-naïve investors a basis to understand the system and then make informed decisions. Analytics on the ICO projects within the platform will be engineered by coins as compensation, the investment portfolios created by experienced managers within the platform will also be offered either for free or in exchange for a token, crypto-naives will be given access to requisite educational materials that will enable them to build their knowledge quotient, TAKLIMAKAN network doubles as an investment and also as an educational platform that can give crypto-naives the chance to enhance their crypto-literacy levels and to be full abreast with the nitty-gritty’s of practical trading skills. Every user is at liberty to choose from the cluster of investment mentors, webinars and online lectures, unfettered access to blockchain profound libraries, vivid description of different investment methods and crypto trading tools. The educational materials is skillifiully organised and is distributed base the user knowledge level, personal goals and goals of the educators within the platform.
TAKLIMAKAN offers cross-borderless educational services to anyone, anywhere and at anytime and then takes TAN as a reward for it services.
There are many talented content writers who have not put their talent in real use due to the fact that they have not been provided with the opportunity and motivation that will energise them to create awesome content for their views to read and be educated.
Thanks to the Taklimakan platform that has a section for content creators and curators to proof and showcase their excellent writing skills. Content Creator and Curators can share their views on various matters and topics related to Cryptocurrencies, lifestyle, science, art, health, business, cooking recipes and mny morr that are being discussed on the Taklimakan platform.
Many readers are actually addictedto some type of topics and content and might not want to miss out of any of its new updates, with Taklimakan platform raders can actually create feeds subscription and receive prompt notification when such content are being posted.
Sometimes the market is unfavourable but some traders trade blindly because they can not analyse the market, with Taklimakan analytical tools traders can now easily analyse the market to determine when the market would be favorable.
For more information visit:
Website: https://taklimakan.network
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2426759.0
Telegram: https://t.me/taklimakan_en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taklimakan_net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taklimakannetwork/
Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/company/taklimakan-network/
Medium: https://medium.com/@taklimakan
Taklimakan Profile Link: https://taklimakan.network/u/Abulu
Btt username: Abulu730
Btt profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2539309