Interesting Anecdotes From Ottoman History #1

in #tr7 years ago

What happened when Sheikh Edebali entered the dream of Mr. Osman?


Sheikh Edebali's nibs have made a Dergah in Bilecik with their own money, offering the passing, the poor and the needy.

In fact, one night, Mr. Osman was lying in the Dergaatta, when the sheik of Sheikh Edebali came out of the chest of a month in his own chest, and a large tree from his chest covered the realm of branches, the bottom of many rivers and the people to take advantage of these waters .

In the morning and told the Dream, the Edebali nibs, this beautiful dream, said: "You are the son of Ertugrul Gazi, you will be the gentleman after your father. Girl, you're going to marry the goods. That's the Nur that came out of me. Many of your noble and clean undressed will come from the sultans, they'll gather under a roof of nice states. Allahu Teala will take your lineage to the peace and happiness of a nice person to be honored with the Islamic religion. "

Then he congratulated Mr. Osman. The Nuru of your eye has married this blessed person. In 1326, Miladi died in Bilecik, aged 125 years. He was buried near the creek. A tomb was made in Eskisehir. A month after his death, his daughter, four months later, the groom, Osman Ghazi, died.

Sheikh Edebali gave spiritual power to the Ottoman state founded by the groom, Osman Bey. Sultan Osman's reverence was one of the closest assistants he consulted in consultation with all matters.

Osman Gazi, who knows the importance of being close to the alimere and the married, will be respected by the Islamic scholars in the future of the Ottoman sultans after him, to show them all sorts of ease and to be By recommending his consultation, he demonstrated the way to become the largest state of the world.


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the Ottoman Empire was a powerful state