Gadget alert!! Stupid or brilliant?! You be the judge! [ hint: it SPINS! ]

in #toy7 years ago

Hello, world!

Today is Kid's Day around here and I have received a gift that is all the rage with kids, teenagers and apparently some adults around here. I'm talking about something that you see EVERYWHERE!
People play with these like it's their job.
What is it?!


I know, right?! What does this even do?!

Apparently it's called a "Fidget Spinner!". What is and what it does is still up for debate but people seems to love them. What is 100% sure is that people use them to fidget around with them. I mean, very familiar feeling, we all want to fidget sometimes, well this is like a professional fidget toy.

Initially, they were tooted as a toy that helps the ADHD, ADD people focus and not get distracted. Some said it helps with anxiety even autism! I dunno what to say but it has spawned a fricking industry'! There are countless variations, colors, and a plethora of YouTube instructional videos!!
Also, they are banned in some schools?! Whaaat.

You know, I used to think that some amazing tech that kids use will make me feel old and obsolete [ Looking at you SNAPCHAT!( side rant: why si snapchat so hot popular and how do you even use it?!)]. But the fact that this thing is so debated and widely used is making me feel a bit like an old rag...

Anyway, I got it as a gift and played with it all day. One thing for sure, they are addictive and maybe fun. Here's a gif of me playing. It spins for literally minutes!!

I know, I look like a pro. But I've seen kids on the street do very crazy stuff with these. They sometimes have 3 at a time and can spin them all and do tricks. It's kind of fascinating.
It's also very interesting just how much debate [ some good, especially about attention spans in kids these days...] a toy could launch. Of course, there are HATERS. Yeah, they'll say it's just stupid, pointless and downright idiotic toy and everyone who has one is himself kind of stupid.
Well, to that I say:


Anyway, there are now countless variations of this thing, some really beautiful, some crazier and more advanced. There's even something called a fidget cube!

Now, tell me if you have one, do you use it, do you like it or are you a Hater?!
PS: I actually like haters so don't feel awkward.

And if you want to see what some people CAN do with this basic toy, check this video:

R signing out!
Embrace your inner child.


At least getting one with actual usage makes more sense

this is great

!! i knowm, right?!

See also the benefits of sleeping in the month of fasting

holy molly. is that yours?!

Nah, I would never buy something like that. A friend owns one.

both ...
they say it could really get you relaxed
got one?

that is a good combination, smart!

i see kids pocking their eyes with it


I feel like Ripple is trying to brainwash us

haha. holy cow this is SO on point. 1sbd for you, my friend!

My nephew has one of these. it is pretty good for hand / eye coordination. ;) you beat me to a post ;) was going to post about it soon haha ;)

haha. :))
That's high praise coming from you, friend!!

hehe this is something i could use!... i bet i cant find them here in my country :'(

they're everywhere!!

well, i promise to post a photo of me playing with one if i find one :D

These things are everywhere. My sons school sent home a letter telling parents not to send them to school with their kids. they are very distracting to the other kids, and depending on what kinds you have, they are a status symbol.

I personally find them annoying and useless.......but I'm pretty old school. I just don't see a real use for them. We used to fidget with rubber bands around our wrists, or flip coins, or roll coins between our fingers. These are a fad and will go the same way as POGS, snap brackelets and other "hot" things that kinda died out after a few years.

Wow..what's status symbol these days!
They seem to be everywhere indeed.

EVERYONE IN SCHOOL HAS THIS. Help me understand why.

..the plot tickens...

Haha the video is great!

the guy's a wizard!!


HA! My friends daughter has two of those spinners. One larger than the other one. I spun both of them for like 5 minutes straight . . .why? I have no idea. But they have been popping up for sale ALL over my city. I think they're kinda cool, actually. No way am I going to rain on some kids parade . . and it at least gets them doing something other than glaring into a smartphone.

fidget spinner vs smartphone : FIGHT!
So it's global...

This is the latest version of "TOP" toy, nothing special.

Seriously? Now we invent toys to entertain the ADD "afflicted"? We all have a little ADD is this age of "TechnoInfo Bombardment", @razvanelulmarin... Makes the Mom in me wanna yell, "...put that thing away, and do your homework" Raises her hand... Claiming "Hater of the Fidget Thingamajig", but "lover, upvoter, resteemer, and follower" of this post 😉

nice....your post deserve upvote and resteem....

@skye1 she plays with my kids all the time trying to do tricks

Kids love these but you do see all ages with them!

I have a fidget cube and to be honest comes in handy.
I work in an office sat behind a desk all day on the phones and when you have some people call and waffle, you just need something to fiddle with, and the cube really works.

Nice! I'm glad to hear people actually use it and see benefits. I like the cub myself, never ever seen one in the wild yet.

Mine is so overused haha. Not 100% sure of the spinners though, wouldn't class then as a toy for fidgeting people

How about a fidget spinner based crypto-coin? Because sure, that's just what the crypto-world has been missing all these years. Watch out Bitcoin!

I kid you not -


That's cool you actually have one man!

you think?!
are they all over glasgow too?

There are a few I have seen. It's the new crack lol

my son asked (and got) one of those spinners because he saw it on youtube. It spins....and spins... what else is there to say

spin spinny spinnn

Brilliant if you're selling it, stupid if you're buying

Dropped my kids off at school and every kid seemed to have one. I think they are kinda cool.

My kids love fidget spinners. The other day, they made me get one for myself. Okay, I wanted one too...

I kind of like mine too, afraid to get too addicted though.... :D

See also the benefits of sleeping in the month of fasting

Omg i saw one of these today. As someone who DOES fidget this totally wouldn't work for me. is simply not "fidget-able " in my opinion

Virtual version...there goes a half hour you'll never get back

This gadget brilliant as it's such a stupid thing and it's so successful! Please check out my blog post about it:

By the way, do you like to play with it, @razvanelulmarin? :)