Removing Toxic People From Your Life

in #toxicity7 years ago

THE people around you will make a big impact on the things that will happen to you. They can either help you or hinder you from becoming a better person. It is important to make sure that you are surrounded by people who will cheer you as you climb your way to the top, will celebrate your success and will share your pain in times of hardships. As they say, you don't need to have a lot of people in your life, just a few real ones.

Choose your friends carefully. They need to be the right people so you will be led into the right path. They should be a good influence and will bring positive changes in you. Real friends wouldn't make you do things that might be bad for you out of excitement. They will always think of your welfare. Real friends will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone but will continuously guide you so you won't stumble along the way.

If you have real friends, you'd most likely stumble upon toxic people as well. These people are your fake friends who would lead you to the wrong path. They'd introduce new things to you that can be fun but decieving at the same time. They would use you for their own benefit. They have hidden motives and intentions for befriending you. You wouldn't immediately discover their dark motives because they can be so good at making you believe they're real friends. So you have to be very careful of these people.

Toxic friends will abuse you emotionally especially if they are already aware of your weaknesses. Furthermore, they tend to use your kindness so things would go along their way. They're not afraid to lose you because they never valued you in the first place. They'd leave you shattered after you have invested so much emotion. You'd be left feeling empty because they were a big part of your life already. You'd be left questioning yourself and your worth. They'd make you feel like something's wrong with you and that you are a horrible person. Which can be true sometimes because of their influence.

If you noticed that there are toxic people in your life, let them go right away. Yes, it's a hard process but it must be done. You cannot allow them to create further damages. You have to save yourself as early as possible. Never let anyone make you feel less valued. You are worth everything and these toxic people shouldn't bring you down. You're a gem. Nothing can keep you from shining.
*Photocredit : 1 2


Yes, when we try to prove our value to someone it means we don't know our true value anymore. A goodread. Thank you @jassennessaj

What if toxic people is in your workplace jass? Bwahahahahahahahhaa

It’s difficult to disconnect but once you do it’s freedom

Yes, they are not worthy of your time @jassennessaj. Just pray for them that someday or soon they realize... God bless

If you noticed that there are toxic people in your life, let them go right away. Yes, it's a hard process but it must be done.

I totally agree. Toxic people just hinder your growth and they only see you as beneficial as long as you have something to offer them. Getting rid of them in our lives is a difficult task but necessary.