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RE: A New Kind of Toxic

in #toxic7 years ago (edited)

What is normal but a word try 12 years in prison after working in the houses of Parliament never being in trouble in your life and your life get's fucked up for joint enterprise wrong place wrong time. Trust me what you think is normal is far from normal and I don't repeat anything but love when shit hits the fan. I would share my story which is worthy of a great book. Oh and while I was incarcerated invited back to the House of Parliament UK and in the forefront of a report to change the law which came into effect 2012. Honey you ain't lived no disrespect if you did you would overstand the next layer and the magic of life. I refuse to be a victim, to be labelled, negative energy and consensus I guess that's why we are on Steemit to move away from the norm right. When you realize you are the magic you are looking for then everything falls into place maths is the doorway but you are actually the key I talk from experience I am not here to convince you. Most people overstand the magic of life at their last breath. Even when it's fucked up out of that fucked up can bring about some of your greatest moments.