The largest unmanned island in the world is about 55000 square kilometers. It is called "Mars on the earth".

in #tourism6 years ago

Devon Island, the second islands of Canada Parry islands, is also the world's largest uninhabited island, an area of about 55000 square kilometers. Dewen island is located in the Arctic Circle, less than 1600 kilometers from the north pole, the island is not grass, almost no vegetation, the climate is extremely cold and dry, even in the summer, also rarely more than 10 degrees Celsius, winter temperatures can reach -50 degrees.
The surface of the island of Devon is covered by ridge, valley, and crater, which is similar to the surface of Mars, so it is also known as "the closest place on earth on earth".
The climate of Devon Island is similar to that of Mars. So in recent years, some scientists are living there for research. Devon Island has the characteristics of snowfall and no ice in summer, and the daytime temperature is similar to that of Mars in summer.
Apart from the air and the ubiquitous gravity of the earth, apart from the blue sky and the few Arctic creatures that are still alive in the ice and snow, the whole desolate island is shrouded.
![WQP[O5QH}$OR05_PGQ]M)B.png]( There is a famous "Horton impact crater" on Devon Island, which provides a rare reference for scientists to study the impact craters on the surface of Mars. According to scientists, "Horton impact crater" was formed on the earth 23 million days ago. ![YDCO@G4EVE)YK746{M7($OY.png]( The geological phenomena found around the craters in the Arctic seem to be very similar to the landforms found on Mars. By studying it, scientists can find a way to study similar pits on Mars, which provides a basis for uncovering the "life" of Mars. ![O0768UQW~ZK2]@RQLT%DMMU.png]( Although the natural conditions in the Arctic are quite different from Mars in some aspects, the island of Devon is considered to have the closest environment on the surface of Mars. The international Mars Society has decided to build a simulated Mars space station on Devon Island. ![3[]5Z}T[}X_9H%PX~6SC(R.png](
Experts say the establishment of a simulated Mars space station on the island will provide valuable experience in studying future difficulties that may happen to Mars in the future; and because the environment of the island is very similar to Mars, NASA plans to use it as an experimental base for the simulation of the Mars environment.
The simulated Mars space station, built on the island of Devon, is also used to train astronauts to adapt to a very different environment that may be on Mars in the future; this plan marks a substantial first step for mankind to realize the dream of landing on Mars.
The rough and complex terrain; the temperature below the perennial ice point; the ghosts of the polar storm; the geographical location determines the harsh climate here, and the continuous impact of millions of years of meteorites has created a special landform here, making it very similar to the devastated surface of Mars. It reminds us of the distant Mars.