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RE: What is this Sensation?

in #topic5 months ago

Why is this so scary?

It all happens so fast, seemingly in less than 5 seconds. There's no time to get any bearings, like trying to settle down inside a barrel tumbling down a mountain.

Thank you for your considerate response. I was really hoping someone out there knows of something similar. Your experience seemed very different from your sister's. Did she ever reveal any other insights? What do you think about it?


My experiences are clearly more dream oriented. I know what it feels like when my mind is half awake, but my body is still in asleep with my half dreaming mind. To me, there is nothing wrong with this. I know I require more sleep and waking time than most people, and early morning jobs are not for me. Sometimes I can remember my dreams vividly for the rest of the day. It was much easier to recall dreams when I was younger. The best dreams feel more real than this reality, even though they break all rules of logic and science.

My sister seemed to escape what she considered a life of despair and sin, She did a 180 and became a Christian focused on prayer. She believes in serendipity and miracles, and that things will work out for the better with faith. Perhaps her faith and righteousness protects her from harmful entities that used to attempt physical harm and terrors.

I do not see things the same as her, but that is another story.