Topiary - gives you THE look, but it's not for the lazy gardener.

in #topiary7 years ago

Topiary is the art of trimming shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes. I have snapped some photos of some topiary in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney, close to the Harbour. The first two photos show a garden featuring Buxus microphylla ( Japanese Box ) shaped into globe shapes around a terracotta pot fountain. The third photo shows a residence with Topiary "lollipop trees" . These are a variety of Ficus Tree ( Ficus microcarpa var. "Hillii" - Hills Fig ) with a long stalk or trunk, and a ball-shaped bunch of foliage on the top. Below, clinging to the concrete fence is creeping ficus ( Ficus pumila ). On the lower level, a hedge of Murraya paniculata ( Orange Jessamine ) , and to the right, a Cypress hedge. All of these hedges and topiary are high maintainence and require lots of work to keep them looking good. That's OK if you like to impress neighbours and visitors and the "upper class" , but not for me !

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In fact, I do not find it fair to change what is natural to decorate, but these works are really neat and striking.
The delicacies of Topiary Art
Do not take a garden shear to your hand and dive into your plants. Leave this work to an expert or get an education on this subject. Otherwise, you may be disappointed.
Before applying the art of Topiary on the plant, that is to say to an expert, before you hand over your bitch, decide as you like. What kind of model do you want to see in your garden? What will be the concept of your garden? Models in independent shapes and stories can show your garden scattered.
If you are going to do this yourself, and you are new to it, start with simple shapes. Balls, pyramids and cubes will have beautiful results.
Plan and make progress. We do not work on a canvas, so we will not be able to reorganize the details that are too big or small.
Take care of your plants. You will get new branches and shoots, and the shape will change. Prun at least twice a year to preserve the shape of your plants.

Which plants will be applied for Topiary?
In order to apply topiary art, permanent trees and trees, which do not spill their leaves, are preferred.

Spruce, juniper, hemlock, servi; rosemary, laurel, boxwood and some ivy varieties are suitable for Topiary.

When Do We Need to Shape Trees and Plants?
You can plant your plants such as late spring or early summer. Since the plants you already use are mostly non-leafing species, they do not present any difficulty in this case.

Congrats, Fav, comment award shared with 1 other.



Topiary is the art of shaping trees and shrubs by clipping and training. And a hedge is a green wall and should be kept razor perfect. Hedges and topiary can provide outstanding features in any garden.Skilled and timely trimming are required to maintain them at their best.

Topiary use to buxus cones and cubes, spiralled conifers, or lilly pillys clipped into balls on sticks as focal points the garden or to create a dramatic effect in a courtyard. when hedges are in active growth during the warmer months of the year, then pruning every 4 weeks or so.
Regularly light haircuts keep hedges tidy and prevent them getting out of hand. If you wait too long before you prune, your hedge will start to look scruffy and it will become difficult to manage.
The most common shrubs used for creating topiary designs are boxwoods, arborvitae and pines. sharp hedge clippers are recommended for large topiaries and sharp pruning shears are ideal for smaller plants.

In terms of general maintenance, topiary specimens should be treated the same as any other valued shrub or plant in your yard.Tend to your plant's water needs, fertilize it and use preventative measures against insects and plant diseases. The topiary is going to require a little more care because it is a manicured form.
There are many different forms of topiary but the Traditional popular form of topiary where plant has a clear straight stem and a ball on top like a lollypop.

Fabulous comment, great pics. Silly Sausage award goes to you. Well done.

Thanks a lot sir for like and appreciation.

Topiary basically is the art of ornamental gardening, wherein practitioners trim, train, and prune plants into almost any shape and size. Topiary installations vary greatly in size; from pieces as big as trees shaped like ice cream cones to those small enough to fit in handheld cups. The art of topiary itself isn’t exactly a new concept: in fact, it can be traced as far back as 2,000 years ago to ancient Rom

Different types of plants are used for topiaries, though some specific types prove to fare far better than others. Four of such plant types exist: shrubs, hedges, herbs, and vines. For shrubs, the most popular types include boxwood, holly, laurel, and privet. Excellent-looking pyramidal, cylindrical, and obelisk-like designs are best achieved with hedges; herbs are perfect for smaller pieces or as mini gift items (and they have the fragrance to boot); and vines offer perhaps the most possibilities for achieving various forms.


Nice Topiary in the shape of a Panda.

Sir @ ctrl-alt-nwo you always shared pretty interesting gardening post with valuable information. Topiaries are plants pruned or shaped into certain forms. It is the horticultural practice of training perennial plants by clipping the foliage and twigs of trees. The word topiary derives from the Latin word for an ornamental landscape gardener.
These plants used in topiary are evergreen, mostly woody, have small leaves or needles.


Pic source Google



I am very thankful to my respectable mentor @ctrl-alt-nwo. You are very kind and generous personality for newcomer steamians.

Stay blessed

Great comment, nice pics too !

Thanks a lot for kind support.

Very beautiful plants sharing. In the container gardening world, topiary are often wire frame, filed with sphagnum moss and then planted to resemble any number of geometric forms or even animals.
While topiary are interesting and fun garden additions, they do require a fair amount of maintenance in order to have them develop their full potential. Most topiary start out as wire frames. These frames come in all sizes and shapes imaginable. From small dogs and cats to larger than life exotic animals such as a giraffe or elephant, to a whole host of geometric forms.Once a form is chosen the frames are packed with moist sphagnum moss. The moss is the media that the plants grow in while the frame is the container.
Once the frame is filled with moss the planting process can begin. The plants often chosen are those that are of a spreading habit and root along the stem. However, many other types of plants are chosen depending on the type of figure chosen. The selection is usually based on trying to recreate the illusion of fur or feathers especially when animal forms are being planted. There are also plants chosen for their ability to portray a certain type of ornamentation. What you eventually try to create is a mosaic using plants of different colors and textures that look like a real figure.


Excellent !


There are 2 types of people in the world, those who love topiary trees and gardens and those who don't. Okay, that's a bit simplified, but there's a ring of truth to it. I fall in the first camp; I enjoy the ingenuity and manicured nature.

For all of you who love looking at stunning topiary trees, gardens plants, animals and other shapes.
Picture of extensive topiary garden and walkway of manicured hedge topped with topiary pillars.
Extensive topiary gardens with many geometric shapes surrounding a rock sculpture.
Huge field of topiary balls and other shapes amid large trees.
Large garden with topiary edge forming long walkway surrounded by topiary shapes.
Huge topiary garden containing all kinds of shapes, frames and sculptures.
Garden with a mixture of topiary trees, flowers,fountain and walkway.
Garden with many topiary animals.
Dedicated these amazing topiary pictures to all dear Steemians @ctrl-alt-nwo.

Wonderful comment, lovely pics, thanks.

@ctrl-alt-nwo, That's pretty interesting gardening post. with valuable information. Topiaries are plants pruned or shaped into certain forms. These forms can be as simple as a pyramid or as complicated as a giraffe, elephant or other animal shape. Sometimes topiaries are created out of the plant alone, or they are created as a result of training a plant over a frame. The best plants to choose for a stand-alone topiary are those with small, dense foliage. Those that are trained over a frame should be vining and have dense foliage that will quickly fill in any empty spots and form a dense mat.

I send this video how to maintain this plant.


that is very very beautiful good progress. this garden is very amazing.

It's several decades since Trudie Procter optimistically planted a few pencil-shaped, knee-high yews, little knowing what their future might hold. 'I never envisaged they'd turn out like this,' admits Trudie from her Italianate Surrey garden. 'Now when I gaze up at these huge topiary pieces towering above me, the sky behind, I totally marvel at them.' Today, her baby yews have matured into giant topiary pieces that stand silent and solemn in the lawn, their shadows lengthening as the days draw in and the odds against frost shorten. 'They look fantastic coated in frost — every year it's as if I'm rediscovering the shapes anew.

100% like and resteem

Very nice pics !

Wow a brilliant artwork made by using those bushes :O Fantastic and great photography!@ctrl-alt-nwo,


This very beautiful garden and beautiful photography

Have a great day
thanks @ctrl-alt-nwo

Topiary is the horticultural practice of training live perennial plants by clipping the foliage and twigs of trees, shrubs and subshrubs to develop and maintain clearly defined shapes, perhaps geometric or fanciful; the term also refers to plants which have been shaped in this way.
As an art form it is a type of living sculpture. The word derives from the Latin word for an ornamental landscape gardener, topiarius, a creator of topia or "places", a Greek word that Romans also applied to fictive indoor landscapes executed in fresco.
No doubt the use of a Greek word betokens the art's origins in the Hellenistic world that was influenced by Persia, for neither Classical Greece nor Republican Rome developed any sophisticated tradition of artful pleasure grounds.
The plants used in topiary are evergreen, mostly woody, have small leaves or needles, produce dense foliage, and have compact and/or columnar growth habits.
Common species chosen for topiary include cultivars of European box (Buxus sempervirens), arborvitae (Thuja species), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), holly (Ilex species), myrtle (Eugenia or Myrtus species), yew (Taxus species), and privet (Ligustrum species).
Shaped wire cages are sometimes employed in modern topiary to guide untutored shears, but traditional topiary depends on patience and a steady hand; small-leaved ivy can be used to cover a cage and give the look of topiary in a few months. The hedge is a simple form of topiary used to create boundaries, walls or screens.

The plants used in topiary are evergreen, mostly woody, have small leaves or needles, produce dense foliage.Shaped wire cages are sometimes employed in modern topiary to guide untutored shears, but traditional topiary depends on patience and a steady hand; small-leaved ivy can be used to cover a cage and give the look of topiary in a few months. The hedge is a simple form of topiary used to create boundaries, walls or screens.
Topiary Maze

Happy Valentine's Day to my loving friend @ctrl-alt-nwo sir......

Who said Valentine's Day
Should only be for couples?
Here's a special wish for a
Special person in my life who
has showered me with love,
trust, admiration and
never-ending support.
Happy Valentine's Day my friends.
I am in love with the bond of
Friendship that we share.
Happy Valentine's Day to the
dearest and nearest friend
In my life!...

Awww thanks !

DQmSkgVJuypd4p7jGdmADt8V1hZZWmVqpgbzErMpiyzJuFC.jpegGood work sir and photos as a level with detailed explanation. I like this kind of theme that talks about gardens and flowers ♥♥ thank you for sharing ♥ following you ♥ @ctrl-alt-nwo

A beautiful plant and very suitable for garden design! Thank you @ctrl-alt-nwo

Really amazing garden.
I like flowers and garden.I share some rose photos in my garden

Are neatly groomed with bonsai, i like it. ..

Nice plants.And amazing garden photography.Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

Beautiful Garden! Amazing Plants! Great Place! I Like Your Great Post Always!

Upvote And Resteem Done Thank you @ctrl-alt-nwo

Wow amazing garden design.
Your garden look awesome

100% upvote and resteem done. Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

Your all post flowers and garden related.Thats really nice.

100% upvote and resteem done sir Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

I really like plants flowers so much.
Thanks for sharing this green garden photography.
upvoted and resteemed @ctrl-alt-nwo

Great post.. wonderful green garden too.

100% upvote and resteem done sir. Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

Your garden style touch ny heart.
Really amazing garden style.

Upvoted and resteemed Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

Wonderful garden, nice trees, great place share, excellent photography, thank you
Resteem done

Thanks for sharing information Topiaary is my favorite In which a smal plants in tray or any ither pot give beautiful loook thanks for sharing

I follow you .. And saw your all post
I was seeing your all post was flowers and garden related.It's really good
100% upvote and resteem your post. Sir @ctrl-alt-nwo

I really green garden..
And your garde Look so much wonderful
Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

Wonderful garden.And your photography is really awesome.

Uovote and resteem done Thanks for sharing @ctrl-alt-nwo

beautiful garden sir...
Thanks for sharing with us.

I really like so much your garden and garden photography.
So now i follow you.
And thanks for sharing your garden photography with us.
Upvoted and resteemed

ctrl-alt-now Beautiful plants. Wonderful garden , You captured a beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing with us ...

very nice,Wonderful garden . thanks for sharing
#ctrl-alt-nwo really a very beautiful plants and very nice gardens..looking awesome..thank you for sharing with us..

excellent post...

This is great article and wonderful photography
Upvote Resteem

So much of maintenance is required for this plant and once afford only if he is passionate to.

Thank you and Have a great day.

From you blog, I came to know the English and Botanical name of many plants.

So thank you so much for that.

You're welcome.

These are generally grown in hotels and lawns and is generally maintaed by a dedicated gardener.

At home it is really difficult to maintain.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

i see them everywhere around myself but they require proper maintenance

if in all the plants we see this is the beset because we can give shape like we want and it looks elegant :)

Very long comments today even i can't find my own comment lol hahah but thanks for posting :)

Not for the lazy peeps that's true :(
But those who can do it their garden looks awesome :D

the shape gardeners give is really beautiful and its amazing to see it :)

is this from australia
if yes then i am damn happy to see this as my future studies would be in australia @ctrl-alt-nwo

I don't think all these Topiary plants are in Australia, maybe some of them.

Well yeah it sure looks pretty amazing and lovely to look at Topiary !Often seen or marks as luxurious spots/garden ;)

Topiary takes effort and salute to all those people who take care of it :)

This article is so wonderful! It has brought about many gardeners and enthusiasts from their hiding places! I really enjoy reading and looking at the comments that you have generated in your post!
These photos are very entertaining and educational at the same time!

I cannot imagine myself having this kind of sculptured garden!
It's too much work for me and my cats!


Agree with your comment buddy. Topiary requires heaps of dedication.

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