Author/Bird of the Week in collaboration with Leo Finance
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I am pleased to announce the new initiative of Leo Finance where our Feathered Friends Community is stepping in. It is called Author of the Week and I thought to name it Bird of the Week.
Bird of the Week. The criteria for picking them:On every #Featheredfriday, I will choose four authors who has published in the Feathered Friends Community during the week to compete for the title
- original content and photos
- post in Feathered Friends Community
- correctly sourced information and images
- as it is birds community, the post must be about birds and everything related to them
Few ideas:
- write about your observation while walking in the park, on the beach, in the forest or plain field, anywhere you can spot birds
- show your photos and don't be afraid to use your phone camera
- take part in the #SMaP contest
- if you want to share your drawings of birds or any other art or craftsmanship, you are also welcome
- share your thoughts about conservation projects or what you have read about our feathered friends.
- anything about birds
Keep in mind that I will be looking for quality posts and the extra effort you will put will pay you off. Because here comes the sweet part.
What is the prize for the Author of the Week and how he/she will be selected?
Who will be the winner among the four is entirely up to you. All you have to do is to vote in the poll in
You need to have Keychain extension on your desktop or the app on your phone to log in. In my post How to thread in Leo Finace you will find simple instructions that might help.
If you know how to use the Threads and the polls, then just click the link and cast your vote.
The poll is opened till midnight PST on . This is the first digest and on Mondays there will be a post about the results of the polls. After that the winners of all communities who take part in this initiative will be announced by @weeklytops. Check out the winners of the communities who were the first to start
Next Friday together with the new nominees, I will also give the results of our poll. The winner will be set for 60% beneficiary. @ocd, @blocktrades, @theycallmedan and @leofinance will vote on Fridays posts, so you can guess that the winner will get a handsome reward.
And now our nominees are:
⬇️The link to the poll⬇️
Vote here
⬆️The link to the poll⬆️
Let's choose our first Author/Bird of the week.
I count on your votes. Ask your friends to visit the contender's posts and the poll in and help to pick it. Next time it can be you among the four nominees.

banner created by @barbara-orenya

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Dear @nelinoeva I'm still getting this thread thing worked out. When I went to vote for the top author I wasn't sure what I was doing or how to vote. I started to click around and finally found out how to vote. I see that there's a checkmark next to my name and if that means that I voted for myself that's the last thing I wanted to do. My bad. If it's at all possible I would like to cancel that vote and vote for @x-rain. I went to reply in threads but couldn't post because of too many characters in my explanation.
I know you have enough to deal with, without having to straighten out knuckleheads like myself.
Many thanks.
No worries, I am also trying to understand it as it is pretty new.
The votes should be cast until midnight PST on Sunday. How it actually worked, I don't know.
We learn day by day, I made zillion mistakes while I made the post and the poll. 😀😉
You can try to vote other polls in threads and see how it will work. So, I am expecting the post by @weeklytops about the results and next Friday I will make another poll.
Thanks for the info. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's a little confused, but like most everything, the more I use it the easier it will become.
I hope to be more helpful and I will try to make better post next time with more explanations.
You did it, woohoo, of course, it is so tough to choose!
Good luck everyone!
I did it, just a little hiccup, several edits, using both the tablet and the phone.
Next time will be better.
I am going to vote for the silver lion of the week, but tough choice there too.
Yeah I think they will much easier in future, once you have a template sorted, then it is just the hard part of selecting the four posts.
Then of course voting hehe not easy on any of the polls!
Thank you for choosing me! 😀
@qwerrie I am taking part in a contest. Please, vote for the best post (hope you'll choose mine). 😀
How to log in on
Your post deserve to be presented in the poll. 🙂
Преумножаешь сущности, без меры. может быть...
И может, это хорошо. )
Хорошо, что осд поддерживает твои истории про игральные карты. плохо,что больше они похоже никому не сдались 😅 серьезно, я бы рад за тебя голоснуть,и пост классный, но эта снова новая сущность Leo threads чего то там, мень смутно не радует, мягко говоря...
кратко, ты неправильно понимаешь про карты. но мы не про это вообще-то )
новая сущность новой сущностью, а есть сообщества про птиц, которое я, кстати, заметил, потому что ты в нем регулярно постил. и сообществу не помешала бы твоя активность, кстати )
неправильно понимаешь про карты -- запросто может быть. сужу поверхностно,по комментариям и лайкам одного из последних виденных постов. исессино критерий не объективный и не истинный
излишки HP от коммунити-аккаунта я вполне регулярно трачу на посты именно этого сообщества. про ф-ф соо могу написать пару мыслейвслух 🙄
That's some big news. @nelinoeva thanks for including my post for the 1st round of this awesome contest. I wish all of this week's authors, the best of luck.
Welcome! 👍🙂
Hope the results will be revealed soon.