in #top57 years ago

Throughout the course of history, we humans have devised of many gruesome and inhumane forms of execution that we would think were only possible in movies. I have compiled a brief list of the top 5 most spine-chilling ways to die.

#5. Crucifixion
First up is crucifixion, this is an ancient execution methods that involves nailing the victim's hands and feet to a cross. The punishment was usually only given to the worst of criminals and its use was prevalent during the reign of Alexander the Great, however it is still practiced today in certain countries. The victim would eventually die from extreme exhaustion or heart failure.

#4. Impalement
Used during the middle ages, the gruesome execution was reserved for criminals. They were secured in place and then forced to sit on an extremely sharp wooden pole that was slowly raised upright. What's horrifying is the process would take up to 3 days for the victim to eventually die, usually when the pole emerges from the victim's chest or neck. Yikes!

#3. Scaphism
An ancient executed method practiced by the Persians, it is surely a terrifying way to meet your end. The victim would be trapped either between two boats or a hollowed out tree trunk. They would then proceed to force feed the victim milk and honey until the victim was suffering from severe diarrhea but it didn't end there. The victim was continued to be fed milk and honey, eventually attracting the company of many insects. The insects would swarm over the entire body and cause immense amounts of pain (most would have probably passed out by this stage). Lack of blood flow will cause gangrene. If the victim didn't die from shock then they would eventually die from exhaustion, dehydration and starvation.

#2. Death by a Thousand Cuts
Originating from China it is a savage form of execution that was used from 900 all the way up until 1905 when it was finally banned (about time). Again, it was used only for the worst of crimes. The victim is tied to a wooden frame to begin with. Then, tiny portions of the victim's flesh is slowly removed with a sharp knife usually beginning with the victim's breasts, genitals, and ears and then eventually amputation of the arms and legs. If the victim somehow survived through all of that, they would then be decapitated or stabbed in the heart.

#1. Flaying
Flaying is an ancient execution method that was used on criminals and captured soldiers. The procedure involved the victim's hands being tied upright above the head, secured to either a wooden frame or even nailed to the city walls. They would then have their skin removed with a very sharp knife starting from the top of the body. Other variations involve severely burning the victim to the point where their skin would just be peeled off. Yuck!

That's it for my brief compilation of gruesome execution methods used in the past (or maybe even still in use now). If you enjoyed it, please upvote, and leave a comment. Did you agree with my list? Did i miss anything?