The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.
Check them out below!
What makes our list special?
- We suffer very little influence from bots. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
- Our lists have credible authority because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
- Only the best content should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
- Lists quality is highly guaranteed because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.
How it works:
Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.
How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.
The best post have max points.I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10 for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more) Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.
Earning vote value on a specific tag:
- Bobhe ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag, so his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts. made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means
- Because of this, KateBob posted something on #steem and voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.
Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:
- Even if BobHis vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero. has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag.
- PeterBob then posted on #photography and voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.
Losing vote value for inactivity:
- While Bob doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).
Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!
Best from all tags (2070 posts)
Tag "spanish" (159 posts)
Tag "kr" (36 posts)
Rating | Post |
80.045 | 림포(Lympo) 앱과 함께 관악산 등산 중입니다 😍 60,000 스팀 파워로 100% 보팅 🤗 @joeypark ★ 107 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.989 SBD ) reward |
79.643 | 피로 회복중.. @ksc ★ 26 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.066 SBD ) reward |
78.399 | 반다이 세계자연동물 - 아시아/오세아니아편 1/4 @kiwifi ★ 136 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.167 SBD ) reward |
78.28 | [역대BoxOffice] 관객수를 맞춰라! - #036 (누적당첨금 1000 AAA) @hodolbak-aaa ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.164 SBD ) reward |
77.056 | 중국파워! @ryanhkr ★ 70 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.014 SBD ) reward |
76.967 | [nTopaz: Submission to "Art of Light"] Contrast @dj-on-steem ★ 18 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.089 SBD ) reward |
76.691 | 일상) 즐거운 주말 보내세요. @jsquare ★ 31 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.563 SBD ) reward |
75.936 | 전라도 송광사 주차장 길상식당 @ericahan ★ 13 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.563 SBD ) reward |
75.529 | [상업용무료폰트] 19.타이틀체 @ziq ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.852 SBD ) reward |
74.442 | 라스트 모히칸 (1992) - 다니엘 데이 루이스의 걸작 @leeyh3 ★ 11 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.383 SBD ) reward |
Tag "deutsch" (31 posts)
Rating | Post |
79.914 | Bis der Wirt uns rauswirft @satren ★ 115 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.413 SBD ) reward |
77.83 | Roepkereport 2019/10/25 - neue Mitglieder - "normale Anmeldung läuft am 31.10.19 aus - ! neues LOTTO ! @gerdtrudroepke ★ 69 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.615 SBD ) reward |
76.826 | Kürbis - My Actifit Report Card: October 26 2019 @fotogruppemunich ★ 67 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.522 SBD ) reward |
76.241 | Meine Actifit-Report-Card: Oktober 25 2019 @dreimaldad ★ 81 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.360 SBD ) reward |
76.007 | Cloud Cap / Wolkenhut @johannpiber ★ 151 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.551 SBD ) reward |
75.52 | In den Startlöchern @gerdbodhiziegler ★ 42 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.537 SBD ) reward |
75.17 | Android mit Genymotion in einer VM testen @linuxbot ★ 38 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.106 SBD ) reward |
75.146 | Raspbian in der Virtual Box @thomasthewolf ★ 43 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.620 SBD ) reward |
74.821 | Alles über Wolle Teil 1 Wollkleidung richtig waschen @babyschritte ★ 40 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.296 SBD ) reward |
73.225 | #Extra @tokenindustry ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.872 SBD ) reward |
Tag "cn" (54 posts)
Rating | Post |
80.152 | 飛鴿傳書 cn-curation #405推薦 CN 區博文:民歌好声音永隔一江水 + 中国队加油!!! @htliao ★ 85 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.084 SBD ) reward |
79.586 | 两种妈妈 @xiaoshancun ★ 45 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.519 SBD ) reward |
76.759 | Daily Splinters - 102619 - 抽中 0 mana 小雞雞 @everrich ★ 47 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.210 SBD ) reward |
75.822 | 春天来了 @xiaoshancun ★ 52 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.387 SBD ) reward |
75.642 | Hello World! 开启新世界的大门 @ladyalkaid ★ 19 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.995 SBD ) reward |
73.821 | Chester Rows @aafeng ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.094 SBD ) reward |
68.147 | 一起戶外茶餐 @tiffany4ever ★ 41 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.455 SBD ) reward |
67.087 | 这身衣服我还蛮喜欢的... @godit ★ 14 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.392 SBD ) reward |
65.998 | @icon123456 ★ 19 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.276 SBD ) reward |
62.736 | 简单的摆设却能如此雅... @llt0535 ★ 4 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.003 SBD ) reward |
Tag "pt" (5 posts)
Rating | Post |
72.9 | Meu Cartão de Relatório de Actifit: Outubro 25 2019 - Petróleo na Praia 😰⚠️😷🏖️ @jsantana ★ 42 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.084 SBD ) reward |
68.258 | Meu Cartão de Relatório de Actifit: outubro 26 2019 @renatomacedo ★ 14 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.013 SBD ) reward |
61.594 | Hamburguer hmmm @rsrestinga ★ 3 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.001 SBD ) reward |
61.507 | Palavras Pré-Historicas @fernandovrech ★ 3 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.001 SBD ) reward |
61.507 | Hungry Ants 🐜 @xmauron3 ★ 68 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.147 SBD ) reward |
Tag "ru" (10 posts)
Rating | Post |
65.688 | Shop is ready for Halloween: магазин подготовился @fareast-history ★ 54 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.024 SBD ) reward |
62.682 | Chocolate en oro @bammbuss ★ 16 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.009 SBD ) reward |
60.38 | Если мужчины вас не замечают @kssenia ★ 16 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.012 SBD ) reward |
60.156 | Старт. @funt33 ★ 7 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.014 SBD ) reward |
55.231 | Death Stranding-Game 2019 @rollsman ★ 4 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.007 SBD ) reward |
55.091 | FIRST TIME... WORKING (animation) @rollsman ★ 2 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.002 SBD ) reward |
53.562 | Кизил.Первый урожай @natasng ★ 12 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.013 SBD ) reward |
53.559 | Евгений Шварц - с днем рождения, Великий сказочник! @fintechandcrypto ★ 9 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.013 SBD ) reward |
46.911 | Снова засвет. @chepec ★ 4 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.048 SBD ) reward |
46.911 | funny pictures-231 @greencmetaha ★ 2 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.000 SBD ) reward |
Tag "busy" (173 posts)
Tag "photography" (192 posts)
Rating | Post |
85.401 | Deranged Photography Contest - Black and White Winners - Contest is on hold until after Steemfest @derangedcontests ★ 47 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.514 SBD ) reward |
84.522 | Light Salad @milaoz ★ 110 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.314 SBD ) reward |
84.042 | Cloud Cap / Wolkenhut @johannpiber ★ 151 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.551 SBD ) reward |
81.872 | The Best Forest in Silesia for Dogwalking! - Panewnicka Forests, Poland @thenormalone ★ 11 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.487 SBD ) reward |
81.124 | Drops like a necklace @tanja72 ★ 64 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.334 SBD ) reward |
79.277 | Caturday... is kitty day! 😸 CC in action again... @ackhoo ★ 196 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.010 SBD ) reward |
79.008 | Balade automnale / Autumn ride @ancolie ★ 432 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.627 SBD ) reward |
78.375 | Fotoplastykon #758: Lwów/Lviv @hallmann ★ 37 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.357 SBD ) reward |
77.721 | Hallstatt- World Heritage ⚒🧂 @weitblicker ★ 38 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.122 SBD ) reward |
77.538 | Lo que trae Zomapa @marpa ★ 197 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.586 SBD ) reward |
Tag "steem" (84 posts)
Tag "life" (173 posts)
Tag "art" (81 posts)
Rating | Post |
83.659 | Tasty @opheliafu ★ 188 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.546 SBD ) reward |
80.564 | ART EXPLOSION 75 - Forest Creature @yanes94 ★ 48 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (11.159 SBD ) reward |
79.161 | Light Salad @milaoz ★ 110 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.314 SBD ) reward |
78.056 | How l learning animation #4 New rig and animation @spiritabsolute ★ 17 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.855 SBD ) reward |
76.769 | ..all designs come from nature..this morning few minutes before sunrise ...perfect ... @enjoykarma ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.224 SBD ) reward |
76.737 | Lo que trae Zomapa @marpa ★ 197 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.586 SBD ) reward |
76.713 | My inked Kitty for #Caturday 😺 [ENG-FR] @barbara-orenya ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.576 SBD ) reward |
75.69 | Speedpaint - New Portrait @yanes94 ★ 190 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.290 SBD ) reward |
75.618 | 🎨 Unique technique - abstract painting - "Composition 19-49" - watch details @jecminek ★ 35 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.027 SBD ) reward |
74.749 | Zeitumstellung @seo-boss ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.588 SBD ) reward |
Tag "palnet" (473 posts)
Tag "bitcoin" (80 posts)
Rating | Post |
87.287 | Curious why Bitcoin just did a moon shot? Here's why @jrcornel ★ 299 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (28.559 SBD ) reward |
77.096 | The Future of Cryptocurrency - Let's Talk About It @theycallmedan ★ 187 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (22.779 SBD ) reward |
72.452 | It is Going Up! @the-real-betman ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.249 SBD ) reward |
70.589 | Will Bitcoin cross 10,000$ @muhammad007 ★ 9 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.025 SBD ) reward |
70.239 | Getting Started With Tradingview! @geekgirl ★ 74 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.638 SBD ) reward |
70.229 | WHY BITCOIN CRAZY?🤔 @enjoyinglife ★ 34 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.558 SBD ) reward |
68.701 | Crypto to Watch - Bitcoin (BTC) - Boy was I WRONG! @stocksncrypto ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.197 SBD ) reward |
68.231 | Made a Paycheck in less than 10 Hours! Thank you Bitcoin! @enjoyinglife ★ 156 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.753 SBD ) reward |
66.563 | 🔴 Bitcoin Over 9000!!! Strada verso i 16000 Dollari ✅ @zaragast ★ 25 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.270 SBD ) reward |
66.153 | Il perchè dell'ultimo PUMP di #bitcoin ? @luigi-tecnologo ★ 12 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.041 SBD ) reward |
Tag "esteem" (47 posts)
Rating | Post |
83.358 | eSteem Weekly Talk - 26th of October @horpey ★ 140 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.283 SBD ) reward |
82.835 | Across the Desert - Poetry @mydivathings ★ 18 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.995 SBD ) reward |
77.072 | My inked Kitty for #Caturday 😺 [ENG-FR] @barbara-orenya ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.576 SBD ) reward |
74.765 | Just remember @c-a ★ 19 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.760 SBD ) reward |
74.475 | Frank Thwarts McUgly's Assassination Attempt @janton ★ 132 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.399 SBD ) reward |
72.892 | Let’s music it till the end @rymlen ★ 203 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.845 SBD ) reward |
72.77 | Deepavali 印度屠妖节 @auleo ★ 184 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.596 SBD ) reward |
72.261 | s t u d i o d a z e @k0wsk1 ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.417 SBD ) reward |
71.823 | Sweet potato falafel @gguy773 ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.563 SBD ) reward |
71.12 | A Bit of History: The Commonwealth Constitution of 1935 @chrislyr ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.121 SBD ) reward |
Tag "blog" (124 posts)
Tag "steemit" (96 posts)
Tag "crypto" (55 posts)
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..cool..thx a lot..