Top : End of the world !!

in #top7 years ago

The ten more feasible end of the world for science what may be the most likely risk that lead to the day of judgment and when will Producirael end of existence is something inherent to nature, in which everything has a beginning and an end. Well know that the dozens of groups» which, throughout history, have taken advantage of this wisdom to date (the latter was scheduled for today itself) to this supposed revelation. But only science can give a fairly reliable estimate. We reviewed all options, taking into account that none is safe and that all are based on assumptions with greater or lesser percentage of probability. Finals involving the destruction of the earth

  1. Extinction of the universe (within 3,700 million years). A group of scientists from the University of California defies the theories mostly accepted of the expanding universe and proposes that there should be a term. The researchers believe that there is a 50% chance of this happening at the earlier date, according to the advancement of their study, published recientemente.
  2. The Sun becomes a red giant star (at 5,000-6,000 million years). The natural evolution of our star is it falls off its outer layer forming a Nebula, which will devastate with mercury, Venus and, most likely, with the Earth, in a process can last 600 million years ago. It will then be a red giant star. Then your kernel is compressed to become a white dwarf star and will cool. Although by this time already not there our planet.
  3. A Comet/Meteor crashes against the planet (date undetermined). Numerous objects approach the Earth every day. But most fail to collide for being so small they evaporate on contact with the atmosphere. However, part of the scientific community sees as a possibility that several of the five mass extinctions on Earth occurred because of the impact of a large meteorite, both that of the dinosaurs (65 million years ago) as the of the Permian, less popular, but it ended up with 90% of species 250 million years ago. The impact of a Comet would be much more virulent, although much less likely. The ultimate in approaching the Earth has been Elenin, discovered in December 2010 and that happened «close» (to 35 million kilometers) on Sunday. So far it has not predicted no shock of any kind of stellar object date, but NASA has a list of potential impacts of cars of the space and its risks in constant updating for the more restless. End with the disappearance of life in the earth
  4. Climate change (the glaciers may disappear in the 2350, according to the UN). Some studies warn that a sudden climate change - caused by man or nature - can break the delicate balance of the Earth and raise concentrations of toxic gases into the atmosphere, to make it unbreathable to humans. Even some authors like James E. Hansen (see PDF) go beyond and venture a future 'greenhouse effect' of gigantic dimensions that make our planet an inert instead as Venus.
  5. Alien attack (date undetermined). The encounter with beings from other planets is a possibility popularized by popularizers like Carl Sagan or Stephen Hawkings, although with a rather remote chance. More difficult still is corrupting hostile and, due to its technological superiority, they manage to annihilate life on Earth. However, it is one of the most popular in literature and the cinema.

6 end of the world. Supervolcano (one every 100,000 years). 73,000 years ago, a gigantic eruption on the island of Toba (Sumatra) created a huge cloud of ash that caused deforestation to thousands of miles from their origin and came accompanied by an ice age "snapshot" that blocked the Sun's rays and fell an average of 16 ° C temperatures across the globe. The Comet Elenin and the day of the end of the world "Apart from the impact of a meteorite, these supererupciones are the worst of the environmental risks to our planet can face," States Patricia Gregg, author of a recent study which analyzes what causes the formation of these supervolcanes.

  1. Robotic attack (date undetermined). The development of robots with the ability to think for themselves, with more intelligence than humans and ability to self-replicate for many authors can be the beginning of a possible revolution against their creators. There is even a group (the Association for the advancement of Artificial Intelligence) attempts to set limits on this robotic autonomy discussions. The risk can also come from smaller robots, those used in nanotechnology, which can be very beneficial but which, uncontrolled or ability to mutate in elements harmful to health, may cause serious damage. Currently, there is a Centre for the responsibility of nanotechnology concerned with the control of these technological advances, and the relevant legislation is constantly changing. End involving only the demise of the Humanity

  2. Self-destruction war (are 6 «minutes» from the end, according to the clock of the Apocalypse). During the cold war it it was assumed that a nuclear world war could certainly put an end to mankind, as MAD (mutual assured destruction) doctrine. Today, numerous world powers have enough nukes to completely destroy civilization, or at least cause a nuclear winter that would be difficult to survive. Although there are programmes of disarmament throughout the world, many nations are trying to get nuclear weapons to ensure the defence of their regimes. The University of Chicago maintains active since 1947 called clock of the Apocalypse, in which midnight marks the end of the world. He started in the 23.53, fell to the 23.43 in 1991 and is currently standing in the 23.54.

  3. Global pandemic (no date known). Humanity has lived plagues that decimated its population in a considerable way in the VI and XIV centuries. The emergence of a particularly virulent strain of a common illness or mutation that increases the spread of a virus or bacteria may cause serious damage and even extinction. For years also is has referred to the possible arrival of a pathogen of the space, even U.S. passed a law to establish a protocol for action against this possibility. But, at present, legislation has been repealed and no attention is paid to this risk.

  4. Megatsunami (no date known). It can be caused by the impact of a space rocket or tectonic movements and bring a wave of thousands of meters high all over the world, as already happened to small-scale 8,000 years ago, when the volcano Etna caused a tsunami that swept away all civilization existing in the coasts of the Mediterraneo.pese that the megatsunami reached great height It is very likely that it failed to put an end to civilization, since its effects would depend on its expansion by the oceans of the world. Some experts (stop-Carayannis, g.) are one of the possible generators of a phenomenon of this kind in the Canary Island of La Palma, with an initial wave of a kilometer of height, that would fall to 50 meters arriving to coasts of USA