
Based on what?

muh, BBC . lolol

He is a right-wing collectivist who does not believe in individual freedom, acceptance and reciprocity, religious freedom nor in rule of law. Because individuals as him want to use the government and coercion against Muslims, refugees, "elites" etc.

Lol. BBC tells you everything you need to think?

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Of course that there are other sources, but the point that individuals as Tommy are not some freedom fighters. They are more as postmodern social justice warriors, only that they are right-wing.

Back up your assertion with evidence!

He is a right-wing collectivist who does not believe in individual freedom, acceptance and reciprocity, religious freedom nor in rule of law. Because individuals as him want to use the government and coercion against Muslims, refugees, "elites" etc.

He is a right-wing collectivist who does not believe in individual freedom,

No he is a Nationalist who believes in individual freedom,

acceptance and reciprocity, religious freedom nor in rule of law.

Name one action of his showing he doesn't believe in these things,

Because individuals as him want to use the government and coercion against Muslims, refugees, "elites" etc.

No, he wants Muslims treated equally under the law, not having their crimes covered up for decades like the Muslim Rape Jihad.

"Muslim Rape Jihad"? Well in a civilized and free society one is treated as an individual. Meaning, that accusing a certain behaviour on basis of a relgion that is global and practiced in different contexts is not credible and honest thing to do.

In principle, if one is a nationalist one does not value freedom and pluralism. Especially when we speak about white nationalists who believe in creation of an ethno-state

"Muslim Rape Jihad"?

  1. Boko Haram

  2. Isis

  3. Pakistani rape gangs in Britain

  4. kidnapping of christians girls throughout the muslim world with forced conversion and marriage.

All these people believe that Islam sanctions their behaviour and in the case of number 4 their laws and governments agree, were the crusades and the inquisition not Catholic?

Well in a civilized and free society one is treated as an individual.

And yet you paint all nationalists with one brush and claim to know what they value.

In principle, if one is a nationalist one does not value freedom and pluralism.


Especially when we speak about white nationalists who believe in creation of an ethno-state

I don't know why you bring up ethno-nationalists but since you did let's speak plainly, Islam is an ethno-nationalist ideology seeking to turn the world into an Islamic Caliphate through the total war of Jihad .

Europe and Europeans remember the Razzia and your namesake Vlad the Impaler Did Nothing Wrong

I do not see how Boko Haram, ISIS and rude individuals with some Pakistani identification are representing the majority or even same social contexts. That would by like saying that Christianity is bad because of KKK, white nationalists and Cossack units in Ukraine. Or that Christianity is bad because it "has an agenda" of dominating the world. Also, ISIS is mainly killing other Muslims so Muslims are statistically the largest statistical category when looking on the victims of terrorism. And I do not see how people as Robinson are doing something good in this case. Because such individuals are militants and playing on fear. People as Tommy do not care about civilized behaviour, freedom and rule of law.

They don't necessarily represent the majority but they do represent the ideology with scriptural justification, whether you agree with their interpretation or not.

Or that Christianity is bad because it "has an agenda" of dominating the world.

It is how christianity wants to dominate the world by witnessing or in Arabic Dawah. Jihad is another matter. Christianity has been used to justify horrible atrocities the Albigensian Crusade or violence against homos in Africa for example, see how easy it is to find an example of religious intolerance and admit it. I didn't make excuses I just admitted it.

People as Tommy do not care about civilized behaviour, freedom and rule of law.

Show me one example of video of Tommy Robinson saying anything that backs up your many claims about Tommy, you still haven't done that. Do you have any actual reason for your opinion of him that doesn't come from opinion pieces.

This article accuses Tommy of acts that are crimes in the UK, why hasn't he been charged with any of these crimes, I'll tell you why, these are all false allegations.

It is not only about eventual crime, but about his behaviour and agenda. The guy does not stand for things as rule of law and civilized society

You are misinformed sir.

In which sense?

In the sense that I am sure you have formed your opinion from what the main stream media say about him. Tommy opposes the MSM narrative, so they only portray him as bad, even make up lies about him. You should watch and listen to what the man himself does and says. He has hundreds if not thousands of live streams / videos across most of the popular social media platforms, which you could watch. Unfortunately, right now, his videos are being increasingly removed or blocked. Here is a link to a YouTube video to get you started

The term "MSM" does not mean much to me. For example, in UK there are lot of tabloid media portals and newspapers reporting lot of things. Also, I do not get info only via media.

Free speech is a important value in a free society. But free speech does not mean right to be listened at or being taken seriously.

Free speech also does not mean that you can have a platform on Youtube and Facebook. Because they are private companies. "Censorship" is only made by public institutions as governments.

I can already hear in the beginning of the video 2.30-50 that Tommy is not honest. He has been holding hate speeches and promoting violance at many occasions.

Also, right wing collectivists and extremists do not value free speech per se. They value free speech as long as it is about hate towards for example Muslims. Right-wing collectivists and extremists have a history of reducing and abolishing free speech when they are in political power.

"advancement of white people", well promoting advancement for whole of humanity will lead to progress for more people regardless of skin colour. This is why freedom is important, but hard to be pro-freedom when one is searching happiness in political tribes, nation and state, extremism.

Fuck off

Do you have any better formulation, or an argument?

None of your other posts held up so his advice TO YOU is what is appropriate to tell a TROLL...... BUG OFF