
Topic: Testing new features

Just testing a few features here and there

Topic: Should we redirect the page after each entry?

I've seen bugs when replying and I'm curious if it would be addressed if we were to simply refresh the page after each entry.

Reply to Should we redirect the page after each entry?

So to actually answer this: Yes we will refresh the replies after we add ours :)

Reply to Should we redirect the page after each entry?


Reply to Should we redirect the page after each entry?


Topic: Manage to Buildteam

While I know it's a steem/steemmonsters forum, it's a bit annoying that when you first sign up you're just 'anon' with no way to change it other than linking steem account. Would be nice to either immediately link steem to it (I think you said you were implementing keychain first though) or have a no steem account option with unique usernames that you can manage in a profile tab or something similar.

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Reply to Manage to Buildteam

We are now supporting keychain and it will link the account automatically

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Reply to Manage to Buildteam

That might be a good idea @petertag but I think they should still keep @anon on the table and let forum administrators choose if they want the @anon feature enabled, or disabled.

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