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RE: Forum test

in #tokenbb6 years ago

Reply to TokenBB now in Beta!

Reveal spoiler

User @cryptoctopus wrote at 21.03.2019 16:00:21 UTC:


Hey everyone!

We've made HUGE progress in the past month! We now have a full category/sub-category feature along with a lot of improvement on the front-end such as re-editing your own posts and quoting others for better conversation flow.

There is still a long road ahead to bring this software to its full strength but with your support, we'll get there. :-)

To celebrate that, free upvote for everyone on this thread!

PS: Did you know you can now start your own TokenBB forum with your own subdomain? Register your forum today at
PS(2): One upvote per person for the next 7 days and we hide spam.

We would love to congratulate all of the people behind the project for the beta release

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