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RE: Forum test

in #tokenbb6 years ago

Reply to Trending topics

User @cryptoctopus wrote at 15.03.2019 12:21:06 UTC:

To me, in the forum context, the trending should be based on earnings but on how engaged a post a composite of the amount of replies and maybe total payout...with a heavier balance on how many replies.

The goal of forums is to create long form conversations that are active...not trending based on how has the bigger upvote.

Trending was meant by amount of replies or views. We won't sort anything by payout, that is for sure :)

User @aftabkhan10 wrote at 15.03.2019 13:54:23 UTC:

Or make it like, the one with more replies or with more views etc.

that is the goal. But more views over two weeks or a month or globally?

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