User @thecryptodrive wrote at 21.03.2019 00:52:12 UTC:
User @niallon11 wrote at 21.03.2019 00:21:16 UTC:
i like the sign in options. It's a nice touch to start with. I've been following the buildteam a lot closer lately and am only waiting to see the token on steem engine so that i canpick some up and stake it. Great project from a great team and nice to see it coming together here.
Tokens on Steem-engine is about 2 months away, but you can get them via right now, later they will be exchangeable with Steem-Engine tokens.
visit our token page for more info
I actually went looking at it yesterday with the intention of buying some. Created an account, thought about what i wanted to sell from my portfolio and then decided I really didn't want to go messing on another exchange and with more tokens. I just didn't like the layout on bitshares and the options to trade that i had. I decided to wait until they are ready for steem-engine and try to keep things a little simpler for myself.