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RE: Forum monsters

in #tokenbb5 years ago

Topic: Investment or Entertainment?

So I started playing Steemmonsters as an investment in steem. I was blogging, but not really picking up any traction. However, when SM arrived i saw it as an opportunity to make a quick buck. I did well selling Foils early on. This helped my account grow, but now i see my self holding onto card instead of selling them. I find that my investment has changed. I'm playing games to earn DEC to buy more cards. I find that SM did a great job of keeping early investor interested. So my question is SM an investment or just something for your entertainment?

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

I first participated in SteemMonsters for speculation. The game became fun for a while. I think I would enjoy it more if I could create teams to play in tournaments/ranked and view the results later. Sometimes trying to play the game in real time is frustrating especially on the days I just want to compelete the quest as soon as possible.

Right now I view SteemMonsters as an investment. Earning some rewards from daily quests. Earning DEC from heron accounts and renting out other cards. This is the first game I have ever played which allows me to earn rewards when I get bored or am just too busy to maximize the rewards myself. I suppose most games will be encourged to implement blockchain technology and allow gamers to profit from their activities.

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

I was initially skeptical about the game when i started in Steemit, after knowing more about the game and the developers invested in my SM start pack with the intention of enjoy the game more than to invest my money in the game but i've to say that the initial invesment gave me an impressive return.

Anyways wouldn't be so profitable now, as early investor i'm conscious that was the ideal moment to do it. (With the steem at 1 dollar in my case).

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

IT's both for me .....

I am hoping I can come out with some decent ROI when I do decide to sell. To date I have only ever sold one card and that was a Rusty Android just to go through the whole sale process.

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

For me, of course an investment of my time and fun. So, double fun for me as I already loved card games since kid.

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

It's definitely both for me. I was definitely into Steem before the game came along. In fact, at first I didn't really think I'd be interested in it. I didn't buy any of the original Alpha packs or anything like that. I obviously wish I'd gotten interested from the very beginning, but I think I got in early enough. I managed to max out almost all of the Beta edition cards by the time the booster packs ran out. I just knocked out a few in the last couple of days as well. I've got a post going up in a couple of hours about all of that. :)

Sometimes, when money is tight, I get tempted to sell my collection since the value is getting so high. However, I feel like that would be like slaughtering a golden goose just to eat once. I think people who have been around since these Beta days and managed to max out their decks will continue to be able to all value to their collections. Even without necessarily having to invest that much more in terms of FIAT. I can earn probably close to $10 a day just in DEC if I play enough.

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

Both. Initially more as an investment, but I've kept cards more for the enjoyment of playing.

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Reply to Investment or Entertainment?

I've been checking it out from an investment standpoint. There are ample opportunities to get money including buying and holding DEC on Steem-Engine, using the Splinterlands buy-sell bot on Minnowbooster, or just buying extra beta packs to sell later.

For new players it can be difficult if you haven't invested in many booster packs. I would just lose every battle. It would be nice if they crafted a tutorial "training" quest where you make creatures a little stronger, win a few battles against some weaker A.I., and get used to the interface before challenging other players. I know there's the non-ranked battle function but I think they'll get more mass adoption with the confidence-boosting tutorial battles with a few small rewards before you get into ranked battles. How much initial money would you guys say you will get a player winning instead of straight losses?

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