Reply to Place a $ sign in front of the Steem rewards
I definitely think the $ symbol is the absolute best symbol to use. Throughout the world, the $ symbol is the most universal symbol for money, so if you want people to know that it is a real currency being earned.. and not just "Points".. use a $ symbol. People will eventually discover that it isn't $USD for themselves later on anyways.. just like I did. If you use any other symbol, you risk people thinking it is just fake money, monopoly money so to speak, or just points like Waze or Shopee Rewards. Remember, first impressions last and it is important for people to see that real money can be earned in the first few seconds they open the site - otherwise.. they may leave the site after a few seconds and never return. Using a $ sign will probably increase the stickiness of first time visitors and it would help me market my TokenBB forum.