5 Tips On how to get better at drawing

in #tips7 years ago (edited)

This is for anyone who is interested in drawing and who wants to improve and get better it's not just about drawing though this could also be for anyone who wants to get better at something drawing is just the example. The reason I have created this is to give some advice on the things I have learned from my experience with drawing. I create a lot of realistic drawings which is a style of working with all the others out there. There is a wide variety of different styles and different artists who create their own outwear but whether you are interested in realistic drawing or not I hope that the advice I give can be of some use. I've decided to put this one first because I think it's essential if you want to learn and improve at a fast rate and that is to draw every day.

#1 - Draw Every day

It might sound like a bit of a task to make time to draw every day but it doesn't have to be a full drawing, it could be as simple as creating a small sketch in a sketchbook or doodling on a piece of paper as long as you put yourself in the process of studying the subject or an image and drawing it or even driving for memory using your imagination. Drawing is about the process and the more you do it the more natural and easier it will become. It doesn't have to be a different drawing every day. Instead, you could work on one drawing over time. Carrying out the act of drawing each day will help you improve really fast. Don't worry about not being happy with a drawing or how it looks, the result doesn't matter because it's a process of landing just drop and keep drawing and over time you'll improve.

#2 Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it's a common phrase to not be afraid of making mistakes that this goes a long way in learning to draw. As you are learning and improving you are no doubt going to make a lot of them and that's perfectly normal but it's really the perspective you have on making them that matters the most because some people lose confidence when they make mistakes maybe a drawing doesn't look quite as good as they had hoped and so they decide not to try again. You see these types of situations a lot and so you need to change the outlook you have on it you can't practice anything without making mistakes at first. It's the way it works and the more you practice the less we make them and that's because we learn from them. If you draw something in you out have to remove the result see it as a step forward, look at where you went wrong and why you don't like it. Try and recognize your weaknesses and then you can work on improving them. Don't feel discouraged especially when it comes to drawing, no matter how it looks. It's still a drawing at the end of the day, as long as you are practicing you are doing the best thing you can so keep making mistakes and keep trying.

#3 - Be Patient

Be Patient is essential, not just in the drawing process but also while you are learning it's not going to happen overnight so you have to be patient and put in the work to improve. Also, have to be patient during the actual drawing process for instance if you are working on a big drawing with a lot of detail it's going to take a long time and you will most likely end up working on it over a few days. I've had drawings that I work on over a few months taken over a hundred hours so patience is important. I suppose dedication as well, I think when patience and dedication come together, you can guarantees that the end result will always be better. And that's because when you allow yourself the time to improve and you still dedicate time to practicing your craft. Eventually, the results will naturally show and you will know that will improve with whatever it is you are practicing.

#4 - Finding Your Style

Finding your own style of working creating art and representing yourself is important but don't be in a rush to find that one thing where you can say this is my work and this is me. A lot of people are under this illusion that you need to have a unique style but people will only recognize as you're aware so they will see you as an individual artist that stands out from the rest but that's not true because before you are even confident to say that this is my style of working you should experiment and practice in other areas first. You should have explored different mediums and allowed yourself to try working in new ways because that might unlock some hidden potential. It's not a necessary thing to find a style found in one style and sticking to it is being comfortable and once you get into that position you might not want to move on and improve in other areas. In the last few years, I've been creating realistic drawings it's a style of drawing but I wouldn't say it's my own style because I do have one, I have interests in the subject and I find it more appealing than other styles but it doesn't have to be the one thing I always have to do from now on. When you start drawing don't be under any pressure to find your own style just enjoy the process eventually you'll discover things that grab your interest and you can start working in that direction. Over time you'll start to develop your own taste in what appeals to you as an artist and what you like you'll start to understand the work you enjoy creating and might even find that unique thing that could eventually be recognized as your style.

#5 - Immerse Yourself

This one is something that will improve your creativity and inspiration. It's to immerse yourself in the subject you are learning. In this case, drawing, looking at other artists and other artwork is always useful you can learn a lot from seeing how other people work. Having the inspiration to do something is as important as the motivation to actually doing it. We live in a world that is full of people who like to create and there's so much work already out there. There are so many social platforms like Instagram, for example where you can get constant updates other artists work use these to your advantage study the subject and what already exists try and see how other people work. I've had some people say they lose confidence looking at other people's amazing artwork when you are trying to lane yourself but you can't look at it in this way. You need to take into consideration that these people also had to go through a learning process, if other people have done it, then there's no reason to where you can't get to that level. Drawing is a skill that is learned it's not something that you are magically born with. People conceive it as this talent there are only a few people that naturally have but that's not the case. An artist has put in hours of work and practice to get the results they want. The results they want. Talent can only get them so far, it's hard work and dedication that's allowed them to create these amazing things that you see. Look at artists or things that inspire you and learn from it it will really benefit you and help you improve.

There are 2 pages

.Thank you for your advice

You’re very welcome my friend!

Thank you for the 5 tips. Even though they are so "simple" at first glance, they are not as simple in practice. For example, to draw everyday one really needs to work at it, no matter what else is happening in life. Thanks again! :)

Yes, just like everything in life we need to work at it. 😊

All right, thanks for all the advice. Functional.

Your welcomr. Glad it was useful!

Hi, my girlfriend @kacardegua likes to draw and will love reading this post, thanks for your contribution, it is very interesting! upvote and resteem!!!

I hope your gf will get really good. Good luck to both of you :)

Very benefit tips

Thank you 😊

excelent brother!! congratulations

Thank you brother

Wonderful tips! In my case the most important has been the second one, the fear of making mistakes always stopped from drawing or painting. This year I challenged myself, I'll learn how to accept and even love the mistakes and I think has worked, I have done many pieces that I love in a short period of time and this love is all new for me.

Don’t be a after to make mistakes, be afraid not learning from them :)

How can I only come across your article now?! Those are really useful advices that you gave, especially the three first when you start drawing. Plus, this is really well written, you did a great job and I'll look forward to your next work ^-^

I’m glad you’re able to come across my article. And thank you so much for your compliment. I hope to see you around Mary :)

You could retitle this 5 tips for life! Thanks for the follow I’m excited to post my art, and steem is giving me a reason to draw every day!

Yes maybe I’ll do one about life :) . I hope to see you art soon :)

Thank you for the advice, especially the part about finding one's own stlyle. I've been working on that and I finally think I'm getting there!

Success is liking what you do and how you do it :)

Nice Post @vaansteam.
Brother are you in Steemit Chat?

Thank you. I don’t have Steemit chat

this is osm information post thanks for sharing

You’re very welcome 😊

thanks for the information..

You’re very welcome :)

This post very interesting for artist, and also who want to improve his skill in art. I like this one and iam going to try your advice

Thank you. Good luck on your process! :)

Thank you @vaansteam for such an informational post. While the 5 tips presented appear to be very simple at first glance, they are spot on.

Like with anything in life, in order for you to get better you sure need to do all of these things, especially #1. After all, practice makes perfect.

Don’t pratice until you get it right. Pratice until you can’t get it wrong :)

I love that!

I will do this tips !! thank you for your advice @vaansteam

Your welcome friend!

I enjoy your post ..Thank you for your helpful post

I’m glad it was helpful. Good luck to you!

Thanks you very much...

Don’t mention it :)

Got a quick guide thnk u for sharing

Your welcome! Glad I was able to help!

Will be even better when u will visit my blog

Thank you for the post. Looks like it all comes down to patience and dedication.

Patient dedication and time :)

Great post with some very useful tips and tricks. Be patient and draw every day to get the feeling and muscle memory in your fingers, and always carry a sketchbook and pencil with you is what i always say!

That’s good the you carry a sketchbook with you. It’s a good idea 💡

The problem sometimes in this part of the world is the fact that we hardly have these equipment for drawing even when they are available they very expensive.... Pencils especially.

You don’t need much, you can create art with almost anything you have.

Though that's true... But there kinds of draw without some specific tools.

I enjoy your posts, thank you for your helpful tips.
As a potter, I am always trying to figure out ways to improve techniques on clay, and these are helpful.

Wow clay are pretty awesome. Maybe I’ll try ot oneday. And who knows I might need some tips from you :)

I would actually love to do an artist collaboration!
I'll be traveling in the coming year, we should stay in touch!

nice post thanks for sharing....

Well sometimes I use to feel like, I can never draw thanks for the tips anyway

I’m sure you can draw too :)

Thanks for your valuable and Didactive post.
We can take out a lot of information by your post.
By dint of we can increase our skill that is beneficial for all steemians.
I will always visit your site & wait for your upcoming post.
Thanks .
@Resteem & follow has done.

How did your reputation get to 3 😥

Probeably a bot ;)

Lool... A bot did that to him or he always copies his comment and post on peoples blog and was flagged cause they mistake him for a bot

Sometimes both

Right - manual copy & past "bot" :D

I love your question and your comment

When someone with a higher reputation downvoted you, it can ruin your score. Be careful

La voy a reeestemeear

Thank you

Thank you 😊

Thank you so much for your support!

How much can you loose?

Thank you for these tips. I have question:

In a multi figure drawing, where do you start so that some figure would be in the background and some in the the front. And also partially covered characters. Thanks for your attention.

You draw the front figure draker than the background so that will give it a pop.

Nice post,maybe you could make some videos how to draw for example some kind of forest or something very simple to start..

I was thinking on starting a video soon, thank you for suggesting that :)

Wow very nice, upvoted, follow and resteem

Thank you for the great support!

This is really benefitting.
Thanks @vaansteam

You’re very welcome, glad it was benefiting 😊

I love this piece of information from you.

As an upcoming artist and one of your follower, I have admired you alot and keep trying to use your processes to improve my artwork.
Now, this information is much vital to all I have gathered,. Thanks man

Thank you a lot for the great support my friend! I really appreciate that.

Fantastic article - and very well put. I think the key is to be persistent - and not to give up, as you say. For a long time, I regretted giving up drawing when I was a teenager - but it's something I have started to rediscover as an adult. It's never too late!

It’s never too late to start. I’m glad you starting to rediscover it again. Good luck and best wishes to you!

excellent post as always. I like to draw and to be honest I am always making mistakes but that's fine, I'll keep going. Great post

Just keep going! You’re already talented, you will even get better over time. :)

This is so nice.. I love to draw myself and I love portrait drawing..these five steps is definitely for a note and is very helpful. Great job @vaansteam

You’re very welcome. Hope to see your artwork soon :)

Hello brother vaansteam, very good your advice, that of seeing the works of others I agree with you, that helps a lot, and encourages at least me to keep improving and keep drawing. On the other hand if I make drawings and sketches every time, my friends often tell me "Cesar with a pencil in his hand is dangerous hahahaha". I will take your friend's advice into account !! God bless you

Ahaha I hope u will continue to keep improving. Good bless you too!

Excelentes consejos, gracias por compartirlos. Saludos!

Thank you

Yeah. Be patient!

Good to hear :)

thanks, very useful! upvote and follow you!

Thank you 😊. I’ll will do the same. See u around

Thanks!! Not only in drawing but I think I can use this advice on my life..

This applies to everything in life pretty much :)

Very useful tips man, appreciate it. Keep it up

Thank you, I will! :)

nice advice.....u gat my upvote

Thank you so much @platinum2k8

Me encantaron tus consejos,sobre todo la parte de que no debemos tener miedo de cometer errores al dibujar!, me encanto tu post!! saludos desde Veenezuela!

gracias amigo! :)

Bro please upvote me for only one time

Sure will :)

thanks friend, I love drawing and I want to learn more every day to be a great artist and your advice was very useful for me.

I’m glad it was useful. :)

Really enjoy your articles thanks a lot for all you do for the community. We run an art sharing initiative here on steemit! Would mean a lot if you gave some feedback on what we are trying to do! Thanks!

Not a problem. Yes ofcourse see you around ;)

As with anything it's all about practice, practice, practice.

Yeah practice makes perfect 👌

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