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RE: Steem Takes The Friction Out of Tipping

in #tipping8 years ago

Great video. When I try to get people to join steemit I send them you're youtube channel and tell to just start going through the videos and to just play Steemit. I've read the white paper and watched all these videos and I've fully bought into the system. I don't have a problem with inflation as long as it's transparent and consistent. A currency is about supply and demand, but what makes it different than a stock or another security, is that the demand is measured in VELOCITY. For example, if one person bought up all of Bitcoin it would be worth $0.00. With currency, its about people using it for transactions, which is why I'm so bullish on Steem/Steemit. A reasonable, steady, transparent, inflation rate, for a young a system like Steemit, will increase the number of transactions, i.e. the velocity. But even more, we are constantly making transactions with it every day we use steemit. The system promotes velocity of the currency (which again, IS the demand). As long as the currency will be constantly used in trade, which the social media aspect takes care of, I believe this will negate the quantity increase of Steem (which won't last forever at 9.5%).


Good point. Steem's transaction numbers are a force to be reckoned with!