Excellent read.
Humans waste time in many different ways!
I would first of all recommend not watching TV (constant bad news pollute our brain and soul).
About food, it can be something very good, if it's prepared by yourself or loved person, in a silent, calm environment without TV chattering all the time.
Sleep gives way to dreams and astral travelling (for those who think they exist, of course) and in general helps to regenerate body and mind.
School is conditioning the creative mind putting a lot of useless information inside it and preparing the individual to be used by the system, so it would be useful to have home schooling and following own's inclinations and interests.
About videogames, we should be careful with violent ones which may condition our subconscious mind.
Your final "memento mori" will not be appreciated by many people, looking for distractions and entertainment.
Wish I had more than 1 vote for you :)
LOL. I'm not implying not to eat, or sleep, or work. I'm simply stating an estimate on how much time is being used and how much time is left. Sure, if you focus mostly on the pleasure of food, or the survival of work then it's more of a negative in terms of higher consciousness actualization, realization and individuation.
Thanks for the feedback overall, good points. Peace.