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RE: Sec. of State Tillerson Caught On Tape Saying Starving People To Death Is Good Foreign Policy

in #tillerson7 years ago

As I'm from the country that spent several years under sanctions, I can tell you one thing for sure: they don't work. They are implemented to target the government, but all they do is lock the impoverished citizens inside with the corrupt government, so that it can bleed them dry, murder them if they speak up, and most of all, brain wash them into hating the states that have put them into this position.

Granted, we had it good as far as sanctions go. We always found a way to eat, people used to bake insane amounts, no one knew about gluten intolerance back then, we always managed to swindle medications in, we enjoyed all the best counterfeit chinese goods, before it became cool, I guess we are just that sort of contraband happy nation. Much like Russia is doing well under sanctions now. Granted we didn't grow as Russia is growing, but that's cause instead of Putin, we had an imbecile and an american plant for a president at the time. Or like how Cuba was just fine after decades of sanctions. I guess it's us, communists and ex communists that are perfectly suited to thrive under sanctions.

When I see what is happening to other nations that have sanctions imposed on them, such as north Korea, Venezuela, Syria, how their people are dying cause they can't get food and medicine and basic equipment into the country, I shudder every time thinking that could have been us, if we weren't such contraband happy nation, I might have been dead now too.


I am really sorry because I realize my comment might be seen like I respect sanctions, and I do not. I know they hurt civilians and not the intended target, not for a long time at a least and people will suffer greatly, and I am really disgusted and angry at how people talk about the death of others like a game. When I responded that they only work when they hurt, I was pointing out that the headline and what was implied was not misleading, and that pointing out a single word didn't change the meaning of what was said or meant. I see the comment now and realize that it looks like I support them but I do not in any way, and in fact really vocal about our governments global policy and how big of bullies we are. Again I'm sorry, it must be painful to hear people talk so nonchalantly about something that causes so much suffering :(