Today I learned never to give up!

in #til8 years ago

I work in my school's IT department and I am tasked to do various things around the school. Some days I'm Installing software other day's I'm fixing computers. Today was a slow day both of my higher ups were absent so I was left to hang around and manage little things here and there. 

One of the older iMac's had broke and I was going to fix it no matter what. It had stopped booting and wasn't responding to any of the rescue commands you can run at boot. In life my motto is to use everything you've learned to help you fix that problem. I've been playing with technology for many years now. Most of all my knowledge about computers is self taught. When I need to fix something I'm always looking back at what I've learned in the past as it might help me now in the future. I am a huge proponent in self teaching and self fixing. One of the many reasons I've started using Steemit is for a platform to eventually teach others. Knowledge is power and the Steemit platform is amazing to spread it.

The iMac was starting to get to me as I finally got booted into my rescue hard drive and couldn't format the corrupted hard drive. So as a little back story I'm not a huge fan of Mac and OSX its good I'm just not a fan. What I am a fan of is Linux. To me Linux is the most powerful operating system you can be using. If your not using linux and your getting into cryptocurrencies I highly recommend it just for the many security benefits it can bring you. Now I've been using Linux for as long as I've been learning how to fix and manage computers and technology. This knowledge in the Linux operating system has always been very helpful. 

I practice what I preach and I used what I've learned in the past to solve my current problem. I used LINUX! I used a program called Gparted which is a very powerful hard drive manager and formatter. Gparted also has a fantastic Linux Live CD which you can boot into and get a instance of the program running on your machine. This program in minutes had my problem solved. I was able to format the hard drive, reinstall OSX and completely fix the iMac. The reason why I'm sharing this fairly average story is to spread the idea to never give up when something seems hard. When something is difficult it has the chance to teach you something. Never miss an opportunity to learn something new, it can help you in so many ways you may never realize until you really need it.