Tiktok was launched in September of 2017. Within two years, it had been installed more than 1.4 billion times. That’s almost 20% of the entire world’s population. Originating in China, Tiktok is now available in over 150 countries around the world. It’s an app that has over half a billion active users.
In other words, it’s the new titan of the social media world.
And it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.
So, naturally, every social media influencer… every business or brand that wants to expand… and every hopeful singer and actor is asking the same question: How can I tap into the monumental power of TikTok to help me achieve my goals?
A TikTok Like bot can make a huge difference in moving your online presence toward social media success. Unfortunately, you can’t simple open up a new account, set up a TikTok bot to get followers, and expect to reach your goals.
If you want to see sustainable success through TikTok, there are a few things to keep in mind…
Content is King, even with a Tik Tok Bot

It’s true of blogs, podcasts, Facebook, and TikTok. The foundation for any successful digital venture is engaging content. The only difference between these avenues is the kind of content that you need to create. TikTok is a platform dedicated to short, 15 to 60 second videos uploaded by users.
Most of these videos have a musical element to them (lip-syncing, dancing, etc.). However, people have gotten creative and often branched out in unexpected directions. Very often, these surprising videos are the ones that really catch and go viral.
Authenticity is Paramount
You Won’t Win Without Creativity
The final thing that you need to remember about TikTok is that it is a venue that puts creativity on display. When people are browsing for content there, they don’t want to see the same old stuff you can find on YouTube. They want things that will make their jaws drop.
So, as you develop your TikTok strategy, you need to keep creativity front and center. Focus on developing content that shocks, surprises, and makes people unexpectedly say, “Aww, I didn’t see that coming.”
If you can keep these foundational principles in mind, a TikTok bot can make a huge difference in the number of people who view, like, and comment on your videos — as well as the number who follow you and engage with your brand in other ways.
But you may be wondering, “I know I’ve got the content down. It’s authentic and creative and my audience is slowly growing. I just need to give it that extra boost. How do I choose a TikTok view bot that will help push me in the right direction?”
Well, fortunately for you, that’s exactly what we’re going to discuss today.
I’m going to lay out the top 3 TikTok Bots for gaining followers and getting comments!
So, let’s jump right in…
AutoTokker, the best Tik Tok bot as time of writing

AutoTokker bills itself as TikTok’s “best bot.” And some might think that’s debatable, there’s no doubt that it’s the simplest TikTok like bot on the market. Unlike other companies that give you tons of services, options, and pricing plans, AutoTokker keeps it simple.
When you choose AutoTokker, you pay a flat fee of $29.99 per month. There are no higher or lower levels. And, in some ways, this is really nice. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of choices when looking for a service like this.
You stand around wondering whether you need the “Premium” or “Enterprise” or “Business” or any number of other levels. You try to figure out what the real differences between them all. Well, with AutoTokker, you don’t have to worry about that.
And neither do you have to worry about picking the exact service you need a la carte.
It’s quick. It’s simple. It’s one of the great things about AutoTokker.
So, how exactly does AutoTokker work? How do they manage to get new followers to your channel?
And the answer to that is really simple as well.
AutoTokker targets TikTok followers who are interested in whatever niche you create content for. It does this by have you choose several big names in that niche and then analyzing all of their followers. Once it has those TikTok users in its sight, it follows them with your account. Followback rates on TikTok can reach 30–50%, which means a huge chunk of the people you follow end up following you back.
But AutoTokker doesn’t leave it there. If it did, you’d be following way more people than you likely want to. Instead, it remembers who it followed and then unfollows them several days later.
And it’s as simple as that. In their words, “we simply interact with other profiles to bring attention to yours!”
No risk of bans or blocks. No abusive or dangerous practices. And no real risk.
Just 20–100 new TikTok followers per day for $29.99 per month.
So, what are the disadvantages?
Well, AutoTokker’s greatest benefit is also one of its greatest weaknesses. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive solution, you won’t find it here. There are no services for Instagram. No free trial. No auto-liking or auto-commenting on other posts.
In other words, if you’re looking for versatility or a wide range of options, AutoTokker probably isn’t your best bet. But if you just want to use a TikTok bot to bring in 1,000 or so new followers, then this could be a great solution for you.
Final Verdict: AutoTokker is an effective — if simplistic — TikTok bot for getting more followers, comments, and likes.
Jeffrey is a pretty reliable Tik Tok Bot

Jeffrey is yet another TikTok bot that brings in followers, comments, and likes. Like AutoTokker, Jeffrey doesn’t dip his toe in the Instagram pool. Instead, he’s fully focused on helping you get more TikTok engagement.
So, how do they do it?
They have the same streategy as Instazood and AutoTokker. They follow targeted accounts, hoping those account followback, and then unfollow them several days later. This creates organic growth that’s built from genuine human beings — not bots.
Like Instazood, Jeffrey provides a variety of different ways to target potential followers — including location. And like both AutoTokker and Instazood, they guarantee real followers and engagement. They also promise to not create the kind of activity that leads to TikTok banning you. And obviously, this is a pretty important feature.
In addition to all that, Jeffrey provides a simple and intuitive dashboard to see and direct everything in your TikTok account. And they even give you the ability to link multiple TikTok profiles so you can direct several accounts from one space.
Like Instazood, Jeffrey has a three-day free trial which you can easily make use of after a quick, 30-second registration process. There’s not even a credit card needed to give that free trial a spin so it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re thinking about investing in one of these services.
And if you decide to move forward by subscribing to Jeffrey for your TikTok view bot needs, then you’ll be paying 19.99€ per month (which works out to about $22.00 US).
Final Verdict: Jeffrey is a great bot option for anyone who wants increased engagement — especially those who have multiple TikTok accounts.
Instazood has been here for a while

Started in 2015 as a tool to help influencers and businesses on Instagram increase their reach, they’ve branched out into the TikTok bot space in more recent days.
Obviously, if you’re a big user of Instagram as well as TikTok, Instazood may be a great choice for you. After all, you’ll have access to a host of services for your Insta account right alongside your TikTok bot.
Like AutoTokker, Instazood approaches the task of increasing your follower account in a fairly simple way: automatically interact with other users.
There is, however, a difference between Instazood and AutoTokker. Whereas AutoTokker focuses exclusively on following users in a particular niche, Instazood hits them with the 1–2–3 punch. It automatically follows, likes, and comments on posts. This increased level of engagement has the power to multiply the effect.
In addition to a more robust method of gaining new followers, Instazood also allows you to target potential users. Not only can you target fans of other accounts (like AutoTokker), you can also choose to go after people based on location and specific hashtags.
Instazood guarantees that all of the new followers it attracts are genuine people and not bots. They also offer a host of options to help support all your TikTok endeavors, including a dashboard where you can see the conversion rates of specific target-choosing-methods and where you have total access to every aspect of your account.
In addition, Instazood offers a three-day free trial so you can see exactly how it works, give it a short test-drive, and decide whether you think it’s the option for you as you build your TikTok following.
And the price? Only $14.99 per month.
Final Verdict: Instazood is an affordable, full-featured TikTok like bot that will help you increase engagement at every level — and there’s a free trial!
So, which TikTok like bot should you invest in?
Hopefully, if you’ve read the reviews of these services, you know that the answer to that question depends. It depends on whether you only want a simple, no-nonsense service that costs a little more (AutoTokker). Or whether you want a service that also has Instagram options available and is on the cheaper side (Instazood). Or whether you’re looking for a TikTok service that’s geared toward those who have multiple accounts (Jeffrey).
Whatever you choose, make sure that you build your account with a foundation of solid content. If you do that, any of these three TikTok bots will lead you to the land of more follows, comments, and likes.