Of crucifixes and clutches: A #ThrowbackThursday essay.

Yesterday I was caught up in a great wave of nostalgia, like..really struggling to come up for air lol.

I had finished my evening reviews and filled my portion of the consent forms for the patients going to theatre this morning, so I decided to do something I had been postponing for days now.
Find pictures for a lovely photo album I received as a birthday gift last month (26/06 Foreverrrr 🙌🏽). And I did.


Doing that little exercise made me appreciate how much time has passed since some of the events captured in those photographs. (Memories are truly forever ❤️).

This picture was taken in 2011, after completion of my first degree (BSc Biochemistry).
I was so optimistic about life, I was so sure I’d get into medical school easily or maybe settle for a high-paying corporate job, marry my childhood crush and have 3 kids by the time I’m 25.

Life was looking at me like:

I’m 27 😊
I didn’t get medical school so easily (even though I had the grades and did amazingly well on the qualifying exam, nepotism won that round).
I had to travel to another country for a fair attempt and I got in purely on merit, with no hassle.

After all the stress and crazy amount of money and time spent, I’m currently earning such a salary that I can’t even pay a year of my school fees except I combine my annual income over 2 years. Only then would I be able to pay back just the tuition fee. Crazy isn’t it?
Oh, please note that I’ve been working for 3 months but I’m yet to see a dime of the salary. But of course, it’s commonplace in this part of the world to delay your salary until you threaten with strike action 😐.

I’m not married either, no kids yet. (I’m trying out subtle body language and not too subtle Whatsapp statuses to ask ‘Bro, are you going to put a ring on it or what?🙄😂.
My eggs are finishing!)
And shocker!
It didn’t work out with my childhood crush. I guess some things are better left unexplored 🌚🤷🏽‍♀️

Most of my mates that I took the pictures in my album with are married with kids, eg the one in the first picture.
But then again, life is not a race. Everything has its time and all of this would eventually pass.

Speaking of things that would pass..just look at our fashion sense in the first picture. I remember when long crucifixes was a statement piece, color blocking was all the rage and a clutch bag/purse was a must-have for the fashionista back then.
(Peep that blue top and yellow bag 😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️)

Now we’re all about totes and knapsacks. That too shall pass!

Much more than upvotes (which are very nice thanks in advance 😬) I love interaction so pretty please leave your comments below and I’ll respond when I’m a bit free.Thanks for reading my #ThrowbackThursday post. I hope you enjoyed my musings 🙈

Thank you! ❤️


Oh dear

You've got your whole life ahead of you. Sometimes I feel like you have acheived alot but it seems you don't recognise how far you've come. You're a star.

Can you see the Sun set at the Horizon? All I see is you rising and sharing your story. If only If
Maybe we could take a quick peep into the future to see what future you is enjoying. I love the flash back. The colour combination and the picture album. So old school and legit. Maybe its because you're a lady or maybe it is a lady thing to keep photo albums. The next best thing to a photo album is the one google photos made for me.

Thank you for this Thursday flashback.

Dante is Here No fear


Thank you for an encouraging and insightful comment ❤️
I’m glad you appreciated my little throwback post :)