Make sure you keep them away from humidity. Over time it can damage the boards inside. That happened with a $400 sale of mine of a brand new camera... it was 15-20 years old, but the internals had gone on the fritz for the LCD display because of moisture that somehow got in the package from being in a basement.
If it's manageable to get a dehumidifier you can regularly dump, that'd help, but I'd step on the gas and sift through to pluck out the most valuable stuff for the short term. It's not often that the boards get this issue, but it's certainly a possibility if they've been in those conditions for a very long period of time.
Make sure you keep them away from humidity. Over time it can damage the boards inside. That happened with a $400 sale of mine of a brand new camera... it was 15-20 years old, but the internals had gone on the fritz for the LCD display because of moisture that somehow got in the package from being in a basement.
Unfortunately the area where they are stored can get a bit damp in the winter. Maybe bad news.
If it's manageable to get a dehumidifier you can regularly dump, that'd help, but I'd step on the gas and sift through to pluck out the most valuable stuff for the short term. It's not often that the boards get this issue, but it's certainly a possibility if they've been in those conditions for a very long period of time.