And here i thought you were going for the dual banana plug!
I might have bought them just for the wire wrapping.
But, they would have just sat in a drawer, me assuming they were just gold plated.
What are the DIP14s?
The tripod eye creature is from Small Soldiers
That's it, that's the eye alien. Thanks!
The dip14's are assorted JM38510. I don't exactly know what to do with them as they aren't selling much. I took them because they were with the gold and figured I could research them later.
Well, they didn't cost much.
But, like the opamps, tri-state bus interface chips just aren't necessary.
Today, you get the whole thing on one chip.
If i want to do anything, i just start with programming a PIC.
The rest is just interface adaptation to changing whatever into something the PIC can handle.