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RE: 5G: Cellphone Tower Engineer - "5G Is not Safe, Not Being Tested & I Won't Install It Near Homes"

in #threespeak6 years ago

Generally, the drive for ever more 'wealth' and power is relative to the intention to be able to dominate others - so generally, they actually seek to do away with many 'fellow' humans. On the flipside, we really do all need power and people often tend to go to the opposite polarity and claim that 'power corrupts' so they disown their power. The disowning of power is part of what gives the empire builders so much to work with! Here's to real balance!


I hate labels, but I guess I would be considered a Centrist. I have abandoned all political affiliations (though in the past I was very politcally active). The extreme right and the extreme left to me are a large part of the problem in the world today.

The older I get, the less black and white things become. I do not see simple solutions, but I do see solutions. This cannot take place without civil discourse and the sharing of ideas and in many cases, compromise. I, by no means, have all the answers. Yet with each of us working together problems can be solved.

Funny, coming from me. I do have the reputation of being a know it all sometimes.