Please urgently join me in asking @theycallmedan @starkerz to NOT air drop 3spk governance tokens to Centralized Exchanges

in #threespeak3 years ago (edited)

@theycallmedan @starkerz please do not air drop 3spk tokens or Ragnarok NFTs to exchanges.

To begin, Dan and others had his Steem stolen via Centralized Exchanges(or was it just Binance?) when Justin Sun lied about a hard fork and took over the network. So I'm not sure why there would ever be an air drop to exchanges just for this alone, regardless if its a different exchange it looks really bad.

The attack vector is obvious now, do not give even 1 governance token to a centralized exchange for 3SPK please. They will not allow their users to claim anything as most TOS say exchange funds are ineligible for air drops, the exchange keeps them in most cases.

Dont give exchanges any control over 3spk or over Ragnarok. You seriously risk both projects as exchanges could screw around with governance or dump and cause huge panic sells. The community would then later say "why did any exchange even get this much free power or money from a freedom and decentralization advocate anyway?".

In the comments from Ragnarok nft on the AMA post it says exchanges will be getting air drops for the nft at least and I assume the 3spk token too.

I have already said this publicly in the Ragnarok ama and I think also on the 3spk recent post. I have tried reaching out to people who can get ahold of Starkerz or Dan and have not heard back. If anyone is able to directly message them please point out this oversight and why it's a problem.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention @truthforce.

Checking out at the mo, this post in particular:

Ragnarok is Upon Us!

and since i'm playing catch up here, i'll post some questions and maybe, @theycallmedan or @starkerz will answer them here.

  1. The team consists of over a dozen people & we are still seeking more!

I might be interested, recently unemployed yo. Haven't worked with any of these ppl before but it's a new year and a new me.

  1. The NFT's will be given first, freely, to all HIVE hodlers!

Does this include exchanges that hold $HIVE in their $HIVE wallets? Reason I ask is because someone mentioned to me today that upbit exchange holds most of the liquid $HIVE available.

  1. How many NFT's do I get?
    The drop is proportionate to the total supply of HIVE (excluding the Hive DAO because DAOs can't claim, they don't have fingers!)

Do exchanges have fingers in that case?

  1. The HBD is sucked into a "blackhole" via the SIP v1, where it will be locked away to earn interest in perpetuity.

Yeah I don't understand this but it could make sense to me if HBD was finite, so i'll assume it is.

Listening to @reseller's Ragnarok AMA - Audio Version, My Thoughts! at the moment. Will get back to both @ragnarok-game & @threespeak's latest posts etc before chiming in again.

I agree with this, nyk nyc.
It is a great opportunity to prove that the exchanges don't hold the coins they claim to have.
It's a little late now to let people know, but bringing home the hive is a great idea.

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