The_Donald the largest pro Donald Trump forum on the internet has been quarantined by Reddit. This means that the forum that has over 750,000 members has massively reduced usability i.e., every link that you click on you are faced with a warning screen that asks you to click continue, slowing down the ability to access information, taxing user experience. Also and all information regarding the forum, as well as custom banners and other data, is removed. This is coming just a few days after the Project Veritas Reddit forum was banned from the internet as it posted is latest link in regarding Google; a video which exposed the fact that Google was working to try, according to a whistleblower, stop Donald Trump was getting elected in 2020. There is no doubt that most of what is happening is aimed towards the 2020 Presidential election cycle in order to affect outcome. I got into this as well as some other things in this video.
▶️ 3Speak
I’m not a fan of stoping free speech, but with that being said. That sub on Reddit was a extremely toxic environment. The way they openly talked to each other in there was borderline hate speech. I hope they can just ban the users that where promoting horrible things and then reopen the sub.
i went and joined /The_Donald the yesterday: Not because I want to partake but because I want to show reddit and whoever their masters are that their attempts at shutting down this sort of thing will only result in new members. There are many many more people doing exactly the same thing.
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