Interesting to hear about flash and google, when I was a web designer many years ago for a company, sales used to push it as it was innovative, even though it had serious seo implications. As you mentioned anyone still utilising a flash site are literally going to disappear overnight. Overall it did its job and allowed games etc, bit like Kinect failed overall for gaming yet is utilised in finding earthquake victims etc. ps i loved kinect and flash games at munch time.
No,my man...for real...I do follow and read ur posts...wanna bring to a picture that had 0 in common....yes... Please kill me again.. u stupid fak...I really follow you for good,and that's all that matters to you?how are you different then Sanders?or you might be it..😎
By the way...I'm not in the States anymore...don't be a KNT....I have moved to Romania...and I wish to use you as good example....or else...not everything is a game...
so good episode
Interesting to hear about flash and google, when I was a web designer many years ago for a company, sales used to push it as it was innovative, even though it had serious seo implications. As you mentioned anyone still utilising a flash site are literally going to disappear overnight. Overall it did its job and allowed games etc, bit like Kinect failed overall for gaming yet is utilised in finding earthquake victims etc. ps i loved kinect and flash games at munch time.
Ur voice don't match with ur character!
Be fake on.. ..
Lol his voice reminds me of Donald Duck!
Still salty from Drug Wars eh?
No,my man...for real...I do follow and read ur posts...wanna bring to a picture that had 0 in common....yes... Please kill me again.. u stupid fak...I really follow you for good,and that's all that matters to you?how are you different then Sanders?or you might be it..😎
Posted using Partiko Android
By the way...I'm not in the States anymore...don't be a KNT....I have moved to Romania...and I wish to use you as good example....or else...not everything is a game...
Posted using Partiko Android
I really wish that one day,if I really needed some could be one of them .other then that ,life is simple and good over here..
Posted using Partiko Android
It is down for now.
Stay tuned
Posted using Partiko Android
Can I ask question, How does the immutability of Steem compares to other blockchains like ethereum?
They are all pretty much the same in terms of immutability. It is the core functionality of blockchain.